I doubt any hormone change from training would result in a more masculine face.
Do you have some fat on your face? if so, lowering your BF would eventually take care of it. Some people lose fat on their face pretty fast, but for some, it's the last to go.
No no no these people are ignorant. The guy above me especially. Yes lifting weights does change you face. When you lift weights. Mostly compound movements, it produces a hormone called testosterone. It secretes from your testes. Testosterone can do many things mostly build muscle. It also enhances you face. People that have more testosterone have less body fat, and can alter bone composition. Which is why we don't have the same face as when we were babies i.e. more pronounced jawbone. Bigger brow bigger defined chin. But women don't produce that much T so their features will not be as pronounced. If you look at people who take steroids look at their face. Steroids are just synthetic T, their face grows abnormally and organs grow as well which is sometimes you hear people say "juice" gut or GH gut But if you look at this pic ...
you notice his skull grew past his eyes on the side of his head. Just one of the side effects of steroids.
So in conclusion your you face does change from working out. Another thing is that the more muscle you work out at once hence FULL BODY exercises the more T you produce. Not by going to the gym and doing a few curls.
Sounds pretty competent to me
Are you for real? You think that any number of compunds will produce enough Testosterone to cause bone growth?
Wait im confused as he11. I understand that GH ha an effect on bone growth but does T effect it at all?
Testosterone effects bone composition, or turnover. GH causes bone growth. And over the years from lifting, eating, and sleeping right you'll constantly have slightly elevated levels of hGH. This will lead to some growth of bones, those without a closed epiphysial plate.