Stuck at 161 for past month

You aren't wrong. We have to have fats. The key is the right fats. Nuts is good. Peanut butter (the right stuff..avoid heavy added sugar) is good.

A stick of butter is bad. Get it?
big d...
I always heard that when you eat bread it always breaks down into sugar which eventually turns into fat. Should I be eating bread? That makes me nervous.

(this is very simplified, but close enough for the conversation)
in the end, everything you eat breaks down into a few basic things during/after digestion: body fuel, amino acids, vitamins/minerals, and water. More or less, anything that doesn't get burned gets stored as fat. If you're in a calorie deficit, you're going to burn it off, then start burning your own fat stores again.

Now, I'd go for the healthier breads, since that wonder bread stuff is crap. Some whole wheat or sprouted wheat is fine.
get it

I think that I wrote I only eat Natural peanut butter, meaning only peanuts and oil as the ingredients. And I haven't had butter in YEARS! The only fats I eat are nuts, avocado, and peanut butter! =D
Ezekiel bread isn't bad. Although the first time I got it, I didn't realize it had to be kept refrigerated and it went bad pretty much overnight.

There's another bread I try, but I can't remember the name of right now... either are fine, although obviously they won't be as nice and soft as Wonder Bread ;)
AHHH! I gained a pound guys! I can't tell you how much this frustrates me!! I worked so hard this week with my workouts ate around 1200 calories and it did me no good! Inside me head I'm thinking "ok lets go back to eating just 900 calories and we'll start losing again." NO!

What do I do now?
You really need to cut back on your workout schedule. If you don't allow your body to rest and recover, you will overtrain and cause more harm than good.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, "One or more recovery days should be added to each training week." You see, if you don't allow your muscles enough time to recover, they'll never heal.

Also, you may need to get more sleep. Sleep replenishes growth hormones that are essential to building lean muscle tissue. If you don't get enough sleep, those muscles you worked so hard to tear down don't get a chance to rebuild themselves. As a result, you don't see a change in your body because you're not taking advantage of the body's premium recovery time.
That's understandable and I know that. But I do actually LOVE working out. It's what gets me going, some people need coffee, i need excercise!

I make sure I get at least 8 hours a night. I even take a 20 min nap in the afternoon if I feel i need more evergy.

I don't see what's wrong with working out everyday if I take 1 or 2 days and do something easy like a long walk or something.
But I've been exercising everyday for the past 7 years! lol! I have a lot of muscle but the fat just isn't coming off anymore!

I've heard that when people plateau they eat their maintenance calories for a week and then go back down and that works.

Any experience with this?
I've heard of it. And when I was doing the bulk of my dietting, I did a monthly 'free' day where I ate whatever I wanted. It's what broke my first plateau. So I don't think it could hurt to try!