Weight-Loss Struggling with soda pop addiction

Maybe if you can't go cold turkey maybe you could do half diet and half regular. Right now I'm pretty much addicted to diet soda. It's most likely the caffeine but I hate water and I hate coffee. Green tea is ok but I need to put honey in it to stand it.

I'll probably just switch to water and green tea in order to save money. I think I'm ate a liter of diet coke a day now, can't be good for my teeth or liver.
I am not kidding but I used to drink 7-8 per a day during the week and 2-3 a day during the weekend when I got stressed at school/work

I found that the best way to get OFF that is simply to cut it down slowly until you are down to 1-2 per a day and try to get off from there.

Some are able to just stop right off the bat....I couldn't
I have never been a regular soda drinker, but I was developing quite a bit of a Diet Coke attachment over the past year or so. Switching to diet soda may initially help to reduce your massive sugar intake, but I think it's pretty well known by now that diet drinks are just as bad for you, for a variety of reasons.

I restrict myself now to the occasional Diet Coke or Sparkling Water as a treat. Otherwise it's plain old water, coffee (not too much, though), or green tea.
Since my post I went cold turkey on Diet Soda. Now I drink like 10 glasses of water a day. I find no cravings for it and sleep better. I think that crap was keeping my body dehydrated and I didn't even know it.
Since my post I went cold turkey on Diet Soda. Now I drink like 10 glasses of water a day. I find no cravings for it and sleep better. I think that crap was keeping my body dehydrated and I didn't even know it.
Amen about sleep. Since I have gone down in it, I sleep much better