Sparrows Experiment

Glad you found something you can drink. The smoothie sounds good. When I made mine, it was with bananas, strawberries, milk, yogurt. That reminds me, I need to make one again.
woke up full today :( but I ate a lot of healthy fat yesterday that I wasn't used to. I had 2 pieces of flax bread (sounds gross, it was good) w/ 1T almond butter. It was yummy and didn't overly fill me. My daughter is sick today so I'm hoping my husband is going in to work at noon so I can go to the tri class. He's still sleeping, thats a good sign :) I'll update later.

40 min interval run:
5 min warm up walk 1% incline
3 min base pace (5.5) increase 1% incline
1 min increase speed .2
1 min increase incline 1%
1 min increase speed .2
1 min increase incline 1%
3 min decrease back to base pace
1 min decrease pace and increase incline 5%
1 min keep pace increase incline 1%
1 min keep pace increase incline 2%
1 min increase incline 1%
1 min increase incline 2%
1 min incrase incline 1% (total incline 12% at 5.0 pace)
decrease to 0% and run comfortably 5 min
Do first part over get the idea.
Abs 15 min
15 min eliptical
15 min stairs
Way heavy cardio day. The rest of the class did spinning and then swimming but i did spinning yesterday and really wanted to run so I did the workout I missed iwth them on Tuesday. I did abs with them and then did more cardio while they swam (I forgot my suit)
It all felt great. The run was challenging but not as challenging as i thought it would be. I do miss running.

B-2 pieces flax toast w/ 1T almond butter
L/postworkout-1 c soy milk, 2 scoops vanilla whey, 3/4 c raspberries blended
S-raw carrots
D- 1/2c sauteed shimp in olive oil, 1/2 c diced chicken, 2c romaine w/ balsamic and olive oil, 1/2c steamed veggies
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Gym: 30 min swim, weights
B-scoop whey, scoop fiber
post workout-scoop whey in oatmeal
I worked out with a tri buddy who is doing a half ironman in 2 months. She's losing motivation (already) so I told her I'd swim with her and do some of her long runs with her. I need to get running again anyway. The swim was a really kick back workout for me. It was only 60 laps (1500 yds) which is usually what I swim to warm up but then I got out with her. I lifted a random, no real plan workout after that. I'm getting stale with the lifting I've been doing lately. I may need a split routine or something. Anyway, I did hit all major muscle groups, just not very systematically.
I'm really not hungry today so what I've eaten has been force fed. I'm not going to worry to much about my diet today as far as adding whey if I need to or whatever. Its easier to take a scoop of whey than cook up some eggs or something. yuck, it doesn't even sound good.
I was up most of the night with my daughter who almost reached 106 temp
:( shes even been to the dr and on meds but its just not kicking in. SO we're tired. my husband now has flu too. I hate winter.
Both are still quite sick but its been a restful day at least just being there for them putting on my nurse "hat". Today is a sort of "cheat" day and I have no guilt about that. I've done very well this week. My cheats will never been full blown, it'll be more like "normal food" to most people. lol

the rest of my day was like this:
L-1T PB, slice whole wheat bread
S-1/2 apple, 1oz turkey, 1/2 oz french bread w 1t light mayo
D- "360 burrito" mediterranean chicken salad (this salad was AMAZING) full of bell peppers, zuchinni, cilantro, chicken sauteed in olive oil, spinach, other mixed greens, shreaded carrots, salsa
S-1/2 c pecan praline frozen yogurt
I'm not sure I'll actually have the fro yo tonight. I'm pretty full from dinner still with a lack of appetite, but its there if I want it. I thought the salad would sort of be a form of "cheat" but it wasn't. it was the most healthy restaurant salad I've ever seen.
Daughter to the dr again this morning for a 105+ temp. Poor thing just isn't getting better and she was showing some serious signs of dehydration. Turns out it may be a UTI (it wasn't completely clear), something shes had before, and something I'm surprised I didn't think about. Some mom I am :( Anyway, hopefully the new meds will get her back to her old self. She is drinking more today, thank goodness. DH is better, at least. It was another sort of loose day. I didn't have time to plan and without a plan, I fail.
L-360 burrito chicken salad (again) I just didn't wannt cook :(
S-probably not, I'm going to the gym
D-5 oz salmon, 1/2 bagel, diet pepsi
S-1T natty butter, 1 piece ww toast
Gym: 6.2 mi run @ 6.7
1500 yd swim.
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News Flash: Shes still sick.

I'm home from church today with the sick girl :( Last 2 days have been more lose with diet. Today I crack down for the week again. I didn't get sore from last night's run which is surprising to me, but my shins are kinda tender. I need to read up on how to prevent shin splints again and strengthen those muscles.
B- shake: 1c soy milk, 1 scoop whey, 1T fiber, few strawberries
S- 1T pb
L- 1c diced chicken, 4c romaine, dressing: 1T olive oil, 2T flax seeds, garlic
S-1/2 homemade protein bar
D- omelet w/ 1oz mozz cheese, 1c air popped popcorn
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Protein Bars

Hey I made my own protein bars today :)
They're pretty good too!

5 T natural PB
1 c quick oats
6 scoops vanilla whey protein
2T flax seeds
1 small pkg sugar free instant vanilla pudding
1t vanilla
1/2 c water

mix together, coat hands and pan with nonstick spray (mixture is very sticky) press into small rectangular pan and refrigerate. cut into 8 even squares

Cal: 203
Pro: 19g
Carb: 12.5g
Fat: 5g
I've finally nailed down a tentative list of the events I'd like to do this spring/summer

"C" March 2 Bidwell Classic Half Marathon
"B" May 12 Angels Camp Tri (1000yd swim, 16 mi bike, 4 mi run)
"C"August 4th Barbs Race Relay (I'm doing the swim part)
"A"Sept 1 Lake of the Pines Tri (.6 mi swim, 15.2 mi bike, 4 mi run)
"A"Oct 7 Cowtown Half Marathon

I have "A" events that are my focus events, B events that I care about but I'm still training through and "C" events are just like races that I use for intense workouts and experience. Course when the rubber meets the road this list may be revised :)
Mondays. Ugh. Ya either love em or you hate em :(

Spin combo class 1hr: teacher seemed extra hard on us today, either that or I just worked harder than I usually do :) went through TWO bottles of water!
5K run (3.1 mi @6.0)
Weights: bis, tris, back:
alt bic. curls 12# 3x15
overhead tri. press #20 3x15
seated row 60# 3x15
lat pull down 60 3x15

Today I did both cardio sessions back to back. I wanted to mimic the transition from the bike to the run and see how it felt. My short term goal is to do a hard spin class like that and either run 4.0 without feeling like my insides are in spasms or go the 5K closer to 7.0 speed. Eventually the goal is to do 4 mi after the spin at 7.0. The instructor told me we average 15 miles a class. Course it is different for everyone. Thats the mileage in a sprint triathlon so I'll start there. At any rate, the run was pretty challenging today.
I'm ditching my normal weight routine this week for a more traditional one to just have a change. I'm also going lighter this week, the bulk is coming back. lol. With the increased cardio work for the first race in March I may need to revise the weight routine I have now anyway. Its a lot to do both things.

B-homemade protein bar (see previous post on this)
L-1 can tuna, 4c romaine, 1 roma tomato, dressing: 2T ff sr cream, 1T olive oil, 2T balsamic, garlic
S 1c airpoped popcorn (nothing on it), 1 large apple
D- chicken n veggie stir fry w 2T flax seeds sprinkled on at the end
S-glass red wine :D
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I had to laugh when I saw what you said about going through TWO bottles of water - that's how I measure how tough my spinning class is too lol. I have one of those big bottles (with the spinning logo on it) - if it's an easier class, then it will be about half full when I'm done. If it's a tough class, it'll be 80-90% empty.
Hey Stingo, today was a THREE bottle day! whoo whoo!
Man, today was TOUGH. We had an hour intense bosu cardio workout. I'm still amazed that you can get so much out of those things. I was breathing SO hard and feeling SO sick at a few points in our class. Not only bosu but we also did sprints, suicides, burpies, core exercises, etc. Right after that we went to the spin room an did a very hard 30 min practically all out race. I was just DRIPPING. it was nasty. It was hard to workout so hard on the heels of my spin/ run day yesterday.

B-1scoop whey, 1 banana, 1 scoop fiber 250
L-smoothie: 2 scoop whey, 3/4c blueberries, 1c soy milk 400
S- apple, carrots dipped in 2T ff sr cream w/spices 125
D- 5c mixed green salad, 1T olive oil, 2T flax, 2T balsamic, 6oz grilled chicken, 1 roma tomato, zuchinni 450
S-tea, flax toast w/ small bit of PB 150
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Yup - I'm waiting for my spinning instructor to start teaching bosu classes. When she does I'll join the gym she teaches at to take the class. Today is our race day - so gonna be interesting to see how things go.
Good job on your spin :) Bosu is really fun and works your core muscles without you even being very aware of it. This is only the 3rd time we've done it and already I can see and feel progress in balance and power.
Not much has changed

So despite some vigorous training and diet clean up, my body isn't changing much. The inner thigh stuff is the hardest. Though my legs have firmed up with lots of hard work, they're still a bit disappointing to me. Sorry about the dirty mirror :)


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No gym today, breakfast at a friends house:
1/2 c fresh blackberries
2 eggs w/ 1oz cheddar cheese
1 corn muffin
2 mugs of herbal tea
lunch: grilled chicken breast/ raw carrots
snack: string cheese, raw carrots
dinner: grilled chicken, 1/2-1 c steamed veggies, salad w/ avocado, balsamic vinegar/olive oil

I had to hold back from going to the gym later today. I really do need a rest, I just don't know it :) Tomorrows tri class will probably be brutal.
Umm I had something really important and motivating to add, but I got ummm distracted... :)