Some bulk issues to calrify, please help

Guys i am actually stupid!
I thought an egg had 180 calories altogether with everything so i counted 2 eggs for 180x2 into my calorie intake. I just looked and an egg is 70 calories, the ones i buy are. So recalculatin i got 2766 calories, so i was never eating 3000 calories. that just pisses me off!

I have been havin 1 protein shake a day, and i think its time to add another one. I have one after i workout on workout days, and on non workout days i have one with Breakfast. Where can i add another one?
I am also going to add another egg maybe to breakfast, or somewhere.

Then assuming that the food calorie calculators are right, one dat is 24 calories so instead of having 10 i will have 15. And 1 almond is 7 calories. So i will add 10 more almonds to get 70 more.

This should put me at 3137 calories. Which i think is pretty good for me.
Where should i put anothe protein shake?
Is adding more dates and nuts healthy?
Add another protein shake before or during your workout, assuming you're not eating for 2 hours before weight training. On non-weight training days try putting boiled water in the blender with chocolate protein powder and mixing with whatever sugar source. It's kinda like having a steaming mug of hot chocolate. :D I'd recommend drinking it with an early evening (ie. just after 6pm) meal. :)

But if you want to get technical, I'd recommend adding more whole food instead of another shake. ^_^
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As of now i cant add whole foods becausei bought as much to last me a week. next week ill add whole foods. But would adding more nuts, make me gain more fat then usual? I dont want to gain more fat then i really should.

And i am 16, so is have 3 eggs a day bad? Can i have 2 at the same time?
@Wacky, 8 oz of chicken breast (boneless, skinless, raw yield) isn't 360 calories. Your numbers are about 150% of the actual calorie amount (240'ish). His numbers are pretty accurate.

@soccergod The belief that you can actually raise your cholesterol by eating foods high in cholesterol is an urban myth, for the most part. Eating 3 eggs a day won't hurt you..they have lots of good fats and egg protein is the most biologically available (nutritionally perfect). So don't be afraid of them.

As far as # calories per meal, try to spread them as evenly as possible over the course of the day..or eat more in the morning and gradually less until you eat the least in the evening (this is called tapering).

As for the nut question, lol, as long as your % calories from fat isn't outrageous (40-60%)'ish, adding more nuts won't hurt you. Eating more fat doesn't make you fat...that's just a pop culture "idiotism". It's one of the quick, easy ways to increase your calories without feeling like you're eating a much higher volume of food. In short, go for it.
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Wait, focus where did you get this data?

** Edit

Nevermind, I found it, yeah it is 253 calories roughly, apparently I've been using fitday wrong for my chicken :mad: ... I guess its a good thing I got everything else right and ate a bit over hehe.
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Averaged from three different nutritional labels on the different packages of chicken breast I buy, and Assuming always that it is 8 oz raw chicken, boneless, skinless and is broiled or grilled.
Yeah I figured it out, but my question is for fitday what is the difference between raw yield and anything else? For example, what does boneless,cooked,skinless suggest as opposed to oz,boneless,raw (yield..)?
As I understand it, raw yield = how much it weighs when raw, cooked = how much it weighs when cooked. Meat decreases in weight when cooked due to the loss of moisture, fat, and some other things.

Soo.. 8 oz of raw chicken (for which the nutritional information applies..all nutritional labels apply to the food in its packaged state, unless it explicitly states that is not the case) and 8 oz of cooked chicken are two different amounts of chicken. :)
quick note in your post workout shake you should be looking to get a combination of both simple carbs and protein, generally 2:1 ration of carbs to protein. however you only seem to have protein so I would suggest gettign something like dextrose or even just glucose and add it to your post workout shake.

Oh and if you are having problems gettign enough calories into everyday jsut remember the blender is your friend as generally liquids are easier to take in then solid food
Oh, good call jsb. I hadn't noticed he was taking just the protein. You want 20g protein + 40g carbohydrate for your size, roughly. Per workout drink, not per workout. This means, IDEALLY, that you should sip on 40g of protein + 80g of carb in about 1.5-2L of water during the 1.5 hour period before, during and after your workout. For most people, separating it into two drinks and drinking one before/during and one after is what gets it done.

For the drink you have with a meal on non-weight training days a simple protein drink would work just fine (actually, I don't recommend taking in ANY simple carbs outside of the pre and post workout window, other than the rare cheat meal)..though adding the powder to something like oatmeal or yogurt can be tasty and nutritious. Call it "dessert" if you want. :p
oh thanks for clearing that up.
BUt where do i get simple carbs to add to my drink. WHere can i get dextrose, can i add reg sugar for glucose? or are they different? Can i eat food instead or i dont know where to get it at.
Regular sugar will do..glucose, dextrose or maltodextrose would be ideal, but whatever's handy is much better than what you're doing now. :)
What will the sugar do? Why do i need it? I wont add it for my workout tommorow because it will throw my diet out the window, it will add to many calories.

Before i add it I really would like to know why it needs to be in there.
hey guys,

will 5x5 give me strength and Hypertrophy at the same time if done right?

I have gained a pound, dont really know what it is though? .5 fat and .5 muscle?
