Sport So what's so bad about bread/carbs?

Sport Fitness
I know there's been this big movement to annihilate bread and carbs from the planet, claiming that they are evil and cause excessive weight gain. I personally think that is a load of garbage. I would like some justification for this argument.

Humans, as a culture, have been depending on bread for years. Look a any culture and chances are, you'll see some sort of baked item made from grain. It has sustained us as a species for thousands of years yet, all of a sudden it's whole grain, choke you it's so dry, suitable replacement for drywall, practically calorie free bread or nothing.

Remember when we thought all fats were bad? That was disproved.

So why is bread so bad to these fad diet zealots? What's the logic behind it?

I'm so tired of the carb cutting, bread bashing, pasta hating generation.

What are everyone's views on the subject?
I eat whole grain bread with minimal or no added sugar (minimal for the store bought brand I get, zero if my wife makes it). I consider it clean food.
Theres nothing wrong with bread/carbs, but then it again it depends on each persons body, genes, and frame. I am an endomorph and my body is sensitive to carbs.

One of the physiological mechanisms that cause endomorphs to gain fat easily is poor insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity refers to the cells response to insulin or insulin's efficiency on cells. A cell that is very insulin sensitive needs less insulin to uptake glucose (carbs) than a cell that is insulin insensitive.

Insulin is anti-lipolytic (blunts fat oxidation) and increase fat storage. Therefore, if one has poor insulin sensitivity then more insulin will be secreted and fat oxidation will be blunted and fat storage will be increased to a greater degree than if their cells were more insulin sensitive. In order to lose fat or keep fat gains to a minimum one must control insulin.

The consumption of carbohydrates leads to a large output of insulin since insulin is necessary for the uptake of glucose into cells. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates throughout the day will lead to elevated insulin levels, thereby decreases fat oxidation.

Dietary carbohydrates are necessary to gain muscle mass and normal body functioning, therefore they cannot be eliminated from the diet. Instead they should be consumed during specific meals when your body needs them.

And ...

Limiting carbohydrates to times when your body needs them will aid in muscle growth and limiting fat gains. I recommend endomorphs to limit their carbohydrates to breakfast and pre/post workout. For example, if someone workouts at 6 PM I would recommend they consume some carbohydrates at breakfast, such as 1/2-1 Cup oatmeal, and post-workout, such as 5-10 oz. sweet potato.

For all other meals they should consume green vegetables and small amounts of fruit. If you workout first thing in the morning, I would recommend following a similar setup, keeping your carbs in your pre and post workout meals.
But because my diet revolves around carbs, it will be a challenge to get my protein intake while limiting breads, but i've been slowly making changes and reducing the amount of bread i am eating and increasing healthy fats
Cutting carbs causes you to lose less muscle than cutting fat or protein. That's why it's the macro-nutrient of choice to lower. I know people who eliminate it almost in its entirety which I don't exactly agree with, but some maintain muscle mass, and a select few even grow muscle! (and a very select few aren't chemically enhanced)

Obviously a better choice for regular Joe Schmo is to lower carbs and fat (slightly) and keep protein where it is (for various reasons), but some people are intrigued by the initial drop in weight (water, what they think is fat) which is very appealing. But this is the same reason some weight comes back to easy once the diet is ceased. Carb cycling is by far the best diet I have ever used, and if no miracles happen in the next generation, I'll continue to swear by it.
i could conversly say that having little or no carbs inhibits fat oxidation

Theres not a large "surge" of insulin if it is low GI
its not bread that is evil its the ingredients
such as sugar/yeast/white flour imho.
yeast causes yeats overgrowth and white flour becomes so sticky it sticks to your intestinal walls and makes a layer..after eating bread every day(white bread mainly) your intestines arent that clean and if u eat bran bread or whole wheat bread it has natural roughage,it doesnt make u contisipated and clenase your intestines.i am not against bread at all but white bread.
and if u carry around all the sticky doughy thing in your intestines for like years it can cause colon cancer as well ,what i personally think is we humans were not supposed to eat refined starches..and anything which is bleached or made doing some high tech refining isnt good for digestion at all
just my opinion.:)
When my wife makes bread the ingredients are: Whole grain flour, yeast (the kind you don't have to add salt to) and water

The stuff I sometimes buy, Arnold's Flax and Fiber has I think 2 grams of brown sugar in a piece. I don't sweat that too much
rereading the original post, this part to me exemplified what I mean when I say to broaden your education and horizons. You say it has sustained us for thousands of years, yet all of a sudden its whole grain. The truth is, it was TRUE whole grain for thousands of years, and then all of a sudden its piece of **** over pulverized causing disease white bread. Some people are trying to get back to the real roots of nutritious bread, however, what is on the market as "whole grain" still isn't. And its no where near as healthy as the bread you yourself are claiming sustained us.

Are you trying to claim that "white" refined bread is the way we ate bread thousands of years ago?

No I'm not, but what we used to eat wasn't full of additives and crap that today's whole grain "health" bread has. It was just ground grain. I'm frustrated with the industrialized products that they call health products that taste terrible and are not much better than white bread.
You have a small build, and it's probably rather hard for you to gain weight. I think this is where your poor attitude towards sugar and carbs comes from. Try broadening your horizons and doing some research and looking at how things effect other people before coming to some of your conclusions. You have far too little experience with certain things to have such headstrong stances on them.

This is a very good point and was the first think I thought about when I read the original post. I was thinking "Yeah, you're not going to hate carbs cause you have a small build". You should understand it's different for people who gain easily.

I for one wish there was more pasta/bread hating going on. Don't get me wrong, there are different kinds of everything and healthier options of bread and pasta (I eat my sprouted grains bread everyday and it is healthy). But even whole-wheat pasta is too calorie dense/nutrient poor for many people. Because of Atkins a lot folks think that limiting carbs is unhealthy. I look at overweight people who have office jobs where they sit all day and don't work out who eat pasta for dinner (yeah it's whole grain but so what). They have no business eating such a meal unless they are about to run a marathon in the morning.
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I'm curious as to why you don't address valid points brought up to you?

Because I'm tired and I don't feel like it right now.

I don't expect this is what you wanted to hear from me though.

I'll get to it later.

Again, I was just posing a question, not defending an argument.
I would have though the anti-carb brigade had more than white bread and added potatoes to the mix. I have heard a presentation on the dangers of potatoes and the links to diabetes and were the presenters not snake-oil salemen type - I would never have touched potatoes.

Personally I would never have lost a bucket-load of weight had I been eating all the carbs/fats I used to. There is some sense in the low-carb diets within a caloric deficit and vigorous exercise regime. I don't understand those who want to be like cheetah's/lions and eat meat only like the original atkins diet. A cheetah/lion has to chase its prey for hours on end only for the lionshare to go to the guvnor. :)
It all comes down to calories. In my opinion, if you're eating the appropriate amount of protein and fat, you fill the rest with carbs ...whatever that number happens to be.