Thursday 8/5/08
No excercise today, had to cook dinner for the family like I do every Thursday night as part of my Dad's rent agreement with me (pain in the arse really) then out to buy my mum not only her mother's day present but alsdo her Bday present which is the next day

so most of my night was gone.
Food was pretty standard:
Bfast - 3 x hard boiled eggs (only ate the whites) + bowl of muesli (500 calories or so)
Cheat - Small bag of lollies

needed a sugar hit (300)
Lunch - Chicken + avocado + lettuce salad (500)
Snack - Tuna + Crackers (250)
Dinner - Lamb Chop + scoop of homemade fried rice + vegies (800-1000)
Total - 2350-2550 calories
My calorie intake seems to be going ok, excercise is tappering down a bit in the last 2-3 weeks due to illness and all sorts of ^^^^ going on but still going atleast twice a week + soccer so not entirely out. Next week gunna have to get back into the 4 x gym a week + soccer.
No posts in my journal yet, kind of dissapointing. I am either doing everything perfect (which i seriously doubt) or am beyond saving