Dec 16 - 20
This has been like a lost week...I've chosen sleeping over posting...but don't want to totally blow this off because that's nota habit I want to be in.
But I can't really remember the week. So let me just say these things
Sunday-a snowy, crappy ay. Cooked a lot, but I ate real meals-except that at 9:30 I made popcorn and ate it, which is not something I do often. I did abs on Sunday, but that was it.
Monday-Brought my lunch, which at first seemed stupid because I was going out to lunch...but I ended up having my lunch for dinner becaseu I ended up oing back after the gym and working until 11:00. But at least I went to the gym and did bike and lifted-chest/back. The only thing I can note is that I had some really good pushups-where I felt that they were what pushups should be-not a full set, but a few in each set. The crazy way things are at work are how things get derailed - I made my trainer promise that if I tried to cancel on Tuesday he would just refuseto let me...which I remembered on Tuesday when it would have been easier to not go.
Tuesday-Food was off-I didn't bring a salad because we were having 'potluck' but when I looked at the table there wasn't anything I wanted to eat...I had a dunkin munchkin and later a pizzelle(sic?) but I had my yogurt and clementine and that was my lunch. I was impressed that the junk food didn;t appeal to me. I went to the gym. I was late so bike time was short but I lifted/legs. The hardest thing was lunges off a bench with 25 lb weights. I remmeber when I thought I would never be able to hold them, now they are part of the routine. I like the feeling of progress. We discussed a new format of lifting in sets with hig weight/low reps/short breaks. I think we might try this for five weeks in January if he can figure out how to do it on a three day split.
Wednesday-a good food day-ate all of the meals except yogurt...but no gym. I just couldn't leave work...and walking is really tough in the cold/snow-so I let myself skip...I did stretching/abs so that was something but not cardio
Thursday-ate everything I was supposed to, and not uch that I wasn't. I wet to the gym and had a long (for warmup) cardio-23 minutes-then lifted-shoulders/bi's, tri's - the best partwas that I was doing shoulder press with a bar and some of the guys who are true lifters were saying 'Oh, military press-that's really hard' "Yea, I never do that, too hard'. Of course, they would lift like 300 lbs and I lift 50...but still I like being a part of the community of lifters They gym was quiet tonight, and I know that in a few weeks it will be packed so I tried to really enjoy it.
From now until Jan 7 is going to be insane-between the holidays, work, and my mother coming to stay...I am going to focus on just a few things:
- getting three servings of protein every day (oatmeal/protein bar, yogurt or a shake)
- Doing something every day-walking, swimming, lifting, abs-something
- Trying to make the hard choice-to make the most of the time I have and the options I have. I won't be able to be fully on plan but I'll be able to use what I know to take care of myself.
- by Jan 7, to be back on track and to have a fabulous January