Sit ups and eliminating Love Handles

I had already Google it, before he had done it for me. I didn't need him to do that, he took it upon himself. Who said anything about not listening ? I just wanted to know some different types of workout it's quite obvious that diet is important.

Thank you, I've got my answer.

You wanted to know different exercises, and I gave them to you. If it was "quite obvious" that diet was the most important, than you wouldn't have posted a question asking what exercises you could do to reduce your love handles.

Good luck with everything.
To effectively lose weight and lose fat from your stomach you have to mix up some cardio exercises with diet.
Replace the foods that you normally eat with the ones that burn fat.
To effectively lose weight and lose fat from your stomach you have to mix up some cardio exercises with diet.
Replace the foods that you normally eat with the ones that burn fat.

To effectively lose fat, disregard what this person has said, and listen to the previous advice.
I understand foods, are a factor. If you are eating Donuts all day it's obvious, you have to learn your body that I understand.

You can do ab exercises that target your love handle areas every day or every other day if you want for months and months, but more than likely you will still have love handles. Asking the question, "what ab exercises can I do to get rid of my love handles," well there simply no such thing.

Ab exercises, will definitely strengthen your abdominal muscles underneath your fat, but ab exercises alone will NOT get rid of the layer or layers of fat that is covering the muscles. To lose fat anywhere on your body, you need to burn calories by following a program that involves both a healthy diet and cardiovascular training as first priority.

As far as eating right, it's not only just about avoiding bad foods like doughnuts, but it's mainly about what kind of foods and beverages you consume, how much you consume, and when you consume them. Consistent healthy eating habits and incorporating a daily cardio routine is what will lose the love handles. You can do ab exercises as much as you want and for a long time, but the love handle fat is NOT going to go away if you choose to prioritize ab exercises first before diet and cardio.

Jason Salamone
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You can do ab exercises that target your love handle areas every day or every other day if you want for months and months, but more than likely you will still have love handles. Asking the question, "what ab exercises can I do to get rid of my love handles," well there simply no such thing.

Ab exercises, will definitely strengthen your abdominal muscles underneath your fat, but ab exercises alone will NOT get rid of the layer or layers of fat that is covering the muscles. To lose fat anywhere on your body, you need to burn calories by following a program that involves both a healthy diet and cardiovascular training as first priority.

As far as eating right, it's not only just about avoiding bad foods like doughnuts, but it's mainly about what kind of foods and beverages you consume, how much you consume, and when you consume them.
Thank you. Maybe it will stick coming from someone other than me repetitively! :D.

Consistent healthy eating habits and incorporating a daily cardio routine is what will lose the love handles. You can do ab exercises as much as you want and for a long time, but the love handle fat is NOT going to go away if you choose to prioritize ab exercises first before diet and cardio.
However, this, is not correct. You don't need cardio. Diet comes first, as you said. But weight training comes next. Cardio is supplemental only if you wish. You do get cardiovascular benefits from weight training. People seem to forget that. You also burn fat. People seem to forget that too, and they put cardio above it as a fat loss regimen. Not true. Cardio also doesn't build muscle, which is one the best ways to burn fat. That's not to say that anyone shouldn't incorporate it, but it gets too much emphasis for fat loss.
Thank you. Maybe it will stick coming from someone other than me repetitively! :D.

However, this, is not correct. You don't need cardio. Diet comes first, as you said. But weight training comes next. Cardio is supplemental only if you wish. You do get cardiovascular benefits from weight training. People seem to forget that. You also burn fat. People seem to forget that too, and they put cardio above it as a fat loss regimen. Not true. Cardio also doesn't build muscle, which is one the best ways to burn fat. That's not to say that anyone shouldn't incorporate it, but it gets too much emphasis for fat loss.

Nah you're right dude, muscle burns fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more it burns the fat.
I agree with you, and I didn't mean to come across being just hung up on cardio. But the benefits of weight training and a cardio routine together should go hand-in-hand for overall calorie burn, and to jack up your resting metabolism as well, which in turn will accelerate the fat loss even more than just doing one or the other.

Plus, you can make your cardio routine help you build muscle. For example, I have solid leg muscles overall, but I realize that your leg muscles are one of the most important muscles for burning fat. So in addition to working them with weights, I will also set the treadmill at a steep incline when I do my cardio interval training.

Jason Salamone
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Nah you're right dude, muscle burns fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more it burns the fat.
I agree with you, and I didn't mean to come across being just hung up on cardio. But the benefits of weight training and a cardio routine together should go hand-in-hand for overall calorie burn, and to jack up your resting metabolism as well, which in turn will accelerate the fat loss even more than just doing one or the other.

Plus, you can make your cardio routine help you build muscle. For example, I have solid leg muscles overall, but I realize that your leg muscles are one of the most important muscles for burning fat. So in addition to working them with weights, I will also set the treadmill at a steep incline when I do my cardio interval training.

Jason Salamone
Agreed. I would never completely eliminate cardio because I DO think it is good for calorie burn and more importantly, for overall health.