So Monday a co-worker (we'll call him JimBob out of disrespect) leaves because he feels ill, and his 1 year old is running a fever of 103F.
Tuesday was fine.
Wednesday JimBob is back at the office, snorting his snot back up into his sinuses every minute, and periodically runs to the bathroom to make horrible noises.
So I did everything I could to avoid JimBob cuz I didn't want his cold, flu or H1N1 (dude is nasty, he might have the black plague).
By the time I went to bed last night my throat was sore and it felt like my sinuses were trying to drain (post nasal drip).
This morning I feel just as crappy, and I'm not sure but these muscle aches don't feel like DOMS.
Here's the kicker though: I can't take any sick days. My workplace ONLY has Paid Time Off. We cannot carry over any PTO from the previous year...use it or lose it. Can't buy out the un-used hours either.
And I was only allowed to take PTO up through this week. Everything else is 'booked solid' so my usual plan to take the last 3 days of the year off as a 'sick day buffer' was spoiled.
Thus if I call in, because JimBob came back to work while clearly still contagious, I won't be paid.
I'm just pissed off at the whole situation because every year management sends us a questionaire, and every year every employee talks about the jacked up PTO issues, and every year they don't care and keep **** the same.
Now, I do have two PTO days Wednesday (for thanksgiving stuff) and christmas eve (again for more family time). I'm not dropping EITHER day of PTO just because management thinks it'll be too hard to track 43 employees PTO rollover to the new year. Plus we have this big corporate wide policy that says "God" comes first, then Family, then the Company.
Oddly enough the hospital my wife works at has well over 250 employees, and about 1,000 in their corporation...and they have no problems rolling PTO over every year. (not to mention she accrues way more PTO than me per year!).
So, I'm a little bitter and pissed off today because I'm gonna be sick this whole weekend if I'm lucky, or all next week if I'm not lucky and its H1N1. I already have my gloves on for the fight with my manager over this if I do have to take Unpaid Time Off.
/end of rant
Tuesday was fine.
Wednesday JimBob is back at the office, snorting his snot back up into his sinuses every minute, and periodically runs to the bathroom to make horrible noises.
So I did everything I could to avoid JimBob cuz I didn't want his cold, flu or H1N1 (dude is nasty, he might have the black plague).
By the time I went to bed last night my throat was sore and it felt like my sinuses were trying to drain (post nasal drip).
This morning I feel just as crappy, and I'm not sure but these muscle aches don't feel like DOMS.
Here's the kicker though: I can't take any sick days. My workplace ONLY has Paid Time Off. We cannot carry over any PTO from the previous year...use it or lose it. Can't buy out the un-used hours either.
And I was only allowed to take PTO up through this week. Everything else is 'booked solid' so my usual plan to take the last 3 days of the year off as a 'sick day buffer' was spoiled.
Thus if I call in, because JimBob came back to work while clearly still contagious, I won't be paid.
I'm just pissed off at the whole situation because every year management sends us a questionaire, and every year every employee talks about the jacked up PTO issues, and every year they don't care and keep **** the same.
Now, I do have two PTO days Wednesday (for thanksgiving stuff) and christmas eve (again for more family time). I'm not dropping EITHER day of PTO just because management thinks it'll be too hard to track 43 employees PTO rollover to the new year. Plus we have this big corporate wide policy that says "God" comes first, then Family, then the Company.
Oddly enough the hospital my wife works at has well over 250 employees, and about 1,000 in their corporation...and they have no problems rolling PTO over every year. (not to mention she accrues way more PTO than me per year!).
So, I'm a little bitter and pissed off today because I'm gonna be sick this whole weekend if I'm lucky, or all next week if I'm not lucky and its H1N1. I already have my gloves on for the fight with my manager over this if I do have to take Unpaid Time Off.
/end of rant