Sex Problems

Badmotorfinger - For a semi-intelligent who supposedly has an IQ of 150, you have an extremely narrow mind. In other posts you have shown that you have a wild and sporadic nature however here you are being small minded.

Seeing as you are just talking about girls being ‘whores’ makes me think that you have in some way been hurt by a girl which may bring up these feelings of hate. We have obviously touched on a sensitive subject for you, maybe its best that you sit this one out.

Please don’t take it out on members of our forum just because you couldn’t satisfy the slut you were dating.
My original post got deleted because of the language I used, but I have two words for you...


The poor girl wanted advice with a sincere question and you wrote such udder nonsense as a reply, not once but twice.

It's people like you who give us women bad names and no wonder men treat us wrong. Luckly, I have a good man who doesn't think like you nor ever will think like you.

Nicole, I'm so so so so so so so so sorry he posted his comments. I would have your b/f see a Dr. There might be reasons why this is happening that he doesn't know about. He can be put on medicine if need be and if he doesn't want that, there are herbal medicines he can try.

Good luck and I'm here if you need to talk.
Thanks so much for everyone's support and advice :)

I'm going to answer everyone's questions:

Aevans- He sleeps well but he has to get up early - 5:30am on the weekdays, which he says really messes him up :(

Skian - He actually has had problems with other girlfriends. I'm pretty sure it was with all of them. I talked to him about it and told him how it makes it hard for me cause I feel like I'm doing something wrong and he said "Yeah, that's what other women have thought and it just makes things worse"

I mean, it's not like we never have sex. We do. It's just that there are many times we can't, even though we both want it, because things don't work out (so to speak). Or sex might end quickly cause of it :-/ It doesn't seem to matter who instigates it either. There was even like a whole week where there wasn't a problem and I thought that maybe the problem went away but then it came back. I really can't pinpoint what's different from a day where everything goes fine to one that doesn't :(

******** **** Thats all that needs to be said I think. I nearly choked when I read the bit if your making out with a girl it should lead to sex.

Get a life, would someone get rid of this freak. I remember the thread about the dog and the meditation, are you on this forum out of your cushion lined room?
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NBS 4life - Even tho many ppl think that. It is against the rules of the forum to write that, sorry.
I would love to leave it there, but I wouldnt be doing my job if i didnt delete it.
Nicole, does your boyfriend have problems with blood pressure? I have to agree it may be time for him to see a doctor :(

and BMF... Trust me, I have NO angst towards you whatsoever. To be honest, you amuse me in a way a teenager screaming out for attention would, by calling everyone around him names and spewing moronic banter. I don't have to argue with you, you prove the point that I'm making with your posts.

Oh and by the way, after quoting Bon Jovi in your last post, you lost the last little shred of credibility you had...
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Veyron-S, anyone tried ??

Dear Forum
finally found a right thread for my post,
I would like to ask if someone tried a product called Veyron-S, I have an interesting results from it,,,
I've tried viagra, cialis & levitra, and I have used viagra/cialis for a long time, so I know their effects very well.

Levitra, for me, has almost no 'effect', just negative side effects. Viagra and cialis both work well for me, although viagra's effect fades dramatically with each passing month (requiring higher and higher doses).
All three produce similar side effects for me, including headaches, gas, diarrhea, flushing, and blocked nostrils. The side effects are so bad that I don't really like using these drugs.

I was looking for an alternative, and so far everything I tried was total crap - no effect at all. I did find some herbs like tongkat ali which helped libido a bit, but nothing helped erections like viagra or cialis.
Then, when I was in Japan, my japanese friend offered to try Veyron-S. I was quite hesitant to try it, due to the rediculous cost (about $8 per tablet), especially since I normally need to take several viagra/cialis (or combine them) to get a good effect.

I tried it with great skepticism, and found (to my surprise)that it worked amazingly well. Without doing much thinking, I immediately assumed it must be spiked with cialis or viagra, I was told that Veyron-S is well-known in Asia because it is all-natural stuff and is allowed for sale in drugstores throughout asia as a really safe alternative to Viagra/Cialis. But it seems not many people heard about this product.

I'm really curious to hear anyone else's results.
if he is depressed or have stress of work or any deadline to can happen, try to ask him on whats going on in his life like work and family etc etc
or maybe he gets too intimedated,"as it has happened" with other girls too....that if he couldnt finishs the act ..u will eventually leave him..and it gets on his nerves and he gets soft
maybe i am not sure..just my two cents
Aevans - I don't think he has any problems with blood pressure :-/...Actually he has a really good family history when it comes to that. He hikes alot and we did that cuff thing at a local jewel once and he was well within the normal ranges.

slimsadie - He doesn't have any work he has to do once he actually leaves the office but he does absolutely hate waking up early for work and every day that he comes home he talks about how much work sucks and how there are other things he'd rather be doing.

cynic - Umm, do you mean in every day life or just in the bedroom? In every day life it doesn't seem like he does...

Yeah, hating work and it bothering enough to state that over and over when he gets home is a pretty good sign it is on his mind a lot. This could be an issue that isn't limited to everywhere outside of the bedroom(or wherever else you chose to have fun). He needs to see a professional(be it medical or mental) to figure out what therapy he needs. How long has this job been around? The same job through all the ex's or similar feelings towards the jobs he held in those relationships?
Does he ever have a morning erection? I know that sounds like a weird question but if he does have 'involuntary' erections the problem is most likely NOT physical but most likely mental.

If he has had problems in the past I'm almost certain it is on his mind everytime he is with you intimately.

I can imagine how, automatically, you think you are not turning him on or you are doing something wrong. I think that would be the reaction most women would have.

Maybe you can not talk to him about it for a while. Try setting the mood so to speak. Like someone mentioned try having a drink or two before so that he becomes relaxed. Other than that I'm not sure I can give you any more advise. Good luck hon...

ps...Don't bring Bon Jovi into this LOL. It's not his fault Badmotorfinger is a fountain of immaturity and lacks both tact and couth
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aevans410: remind me to never really tick you off...

Calcium: I used to suffer from performance anxiety & poor self image. This affected me big time, and I'd go for weeks without taking care of my wife... I dunno the best, clean way to say this... but since I've lost 40+ lbs now... uh.. well she's not unhappy...
aevans410: remind me to never really tick you off...

Calcium: I used to suffer from performance anxiety & poor self image. This affected me big time, and I'd go for weeks without taking care of my wife... I dunno the best, clean way to say this... but since I've lost 40+ lbs now... uh.. well she's not unhappy...

That is true... taking weight off does increase libido..

and Freak, you don't have to worry, I don't get pissed off all that easily :)
Nicole - Something I was randomly thinking about a couple weeks ago is didn't you say that he eats an increadibly LOW amount of food? The lack of calories in general might make it hard for him to perform physically even if he wants to mentally.

Yes, I did say that he didn't eat that much and is very skinny. I have to say that he has gotten a lot better when it comes to eating. I would say he is somewhere over 2000calories now. Bear in mind he doesn't workout. I don't know if he's eating more cause I'm cooking for him, cause it's winter and cold, or cause he's not outside doing as much (I think sometimes we would do so much that it would decrease our appetite). Whatever the case I'm thinking that if he would just regularly lift some weights some of these issues might be resolved :-/

Nicole Sorry to hear about this... I agree with above posters, he needs to be seen by a Dr. as ewll as a Psych eval.

There may be a troubled past in his youth, or it can be a blood flow problem.

To many things that it can be and needs to be ruled out. This is a serious matter and should be treated as such.

As for the Motor're a 20 yr old from NY, that speaks VOLUMES to me, being from NJ, I was a young moron at one time as well. Please do your self a favor and get some education or at least some manners.
I suspect that BMF has serious issues with his mother. This is just the kind of thing that you hear about a serial-killer/rapist writing in his diary. I wonder if he mutilates small animals? He clearly has feelings of abandonment and is very insecure.

I think thats its an understatement to say that his views are "skewed", they are in-fact screaming that he has issues with his mother. We cannot help him, perhaps HE should go see a doctor.

I am not trying to belittle him but would anyone here want their daughter to go out with someone who feels that way about women? Hopefully he will get caught doing something minor and is forced to seek help before it esculates.
does anyone know anything about cumming faster when taking creatine? lol.

my friends were talking about it....dont know if its true.