serious topic for once

I'm glad there are fat people, and I'm also glad I used to be one of them, it makes me feel better about myself today.


I show discipline where they do not. I can do things they wish they could. And i am willing to help them if they wish! That makes it all ok.

this whole all are equal crap is for the birds.

p.s. very few people are really happy with who they are.

this one took guts. And i for one am not out to win votes. But, i do look for what will energize my continued improvement, or at my age, sustained performance, and sometimes, staying "better than," is a good motivator.

If a FAT person is happy with fat, then i have no problem with them thinking they are fat and happy and that i am in shape and suffering. SO, that gives me the right to captialize on our differences the way I wish.

I judge everybody. kinda like you, Mark, and I, Todd, judged each other in the beginning!! eh Bloke!

you showed some bullocks on this one.

Everyone makes their own choices.

My parents are/were both obese. My mom is no longer obese and is working towards getting away from her over-weightness. She's augmented weight watchers, cardio, and weight training. My dad is not concerned and continues in his sedentary and eating life-style.

You either see the need to make changes and do or you don't.
The only fat people who annoy me are those that complain about their size all the time and do nothing about it other than blame genetics and go on the Atkins.

The same goes for skinny people who complain that their metabolism stops them from gaining muscle though; they annoy me too.

I have no problem with anyone of any size so long as they accept that it's their choice and a result of their lifestyle.
The only fat people who annoy me are those that complain about their size all the time and do nothing about it other than blame genetics and go on the Atkins.

The same goes for skinny people who complain that their metabolism stops them from gaining muscle though; they annoy me too.

I have no problem with anyone of any size so long as they accept that it's their choice and a result of their lifestyle.

I have been trying for the last 4 months to put on some serious mass and i have been going hard at the gym and giving it all i have got and eating a ton of clean food...i think 4500-6000 calories a day and i only weigh 60 kg...been doing this for 4 months and i think my **** metabolism has played a huge role in the fact that i haven't gone very far. It is annoying when people who have never tried say this but it ain't something that does not exist. It also has not stopped or fazed me the slightest...its just what i have been given and i need to work my hardest to make it happen :SaiyanSmilie_anim:
this is a "serious thread," and it is almost impossible to keep it from being personal. I did my last post on a wim and just threw it out there. I wish I would have been more careful now, but I am not editing it. It would only make me phoney, and hopefully I will learn, and mature, someday!

The only fat people who annoy me are those that complain about their size all the time and do nothing about it other than blame genetics and go on the Atkins.

The same goes for skinny people who complain that their metabolism stops them from gaining muscle though; they annoy me too.

I have no problem with anyone of any size so long as they accept that it's their choice and a result of their lifestyle.

Whether you are obese or thin...part of the reason people are that way is because of to some degree, it is not strictly a result of choice.

Being obese or thin is likely due to a combination of factors such as genes, lifestyle and environment.
I have been trying for the last 4 months to put on some serious mass and i have been going hard at the gym and giving it all i have got and eating a ton of clean food...i think 4500-6000 calories a day and i only weigh 60 kg...been doing this for 4 months and i think my **** metabolism has played a huge role in the fact that i haven't gone very far. It is annoying when people who have never tried say this but it ain't something that does not exist. It also has not stopped or fazed me the slightest...its just what i have been given and i need to work my hardest to make it happen :SaiyanSmilie_anim:

You're either counting calories incorrectly or you need to see a doctor. 6,000 calories a day would probably kill me and I weigh 98kg!
Whether you are obese or thin...part of the reason people are that way is because of to some degree, it is not strictly a result of choice.

Being obese or thin is likely due to a combination of factors such as genes, lifestyle and environment.

Anyone can change the variables that they are in control of though. I've never met a single fat person that didn't have massive flaws in their diet and lifestyle.

If they're happy as they are then great, I have no right to judge anyone, but when some of them moan about it and say that it's not their fault then they're lying to themselves and it's annoying because they don't shut up and do something about it.

A fat friend of mine has again returned to the Atkins diet this month. Each time he does it he screws up his body a bit more. The fact that he usually sits on his arse eating pies and watching TV apparently has nothing to do with his size, it's all down to carbs
I'm glad there are fat people, and I'm also glad I used to be one of them, it makes me feel better about myself today.


I so 100% agree with that :beerchug:

I like keeping in shape, being very fit, weightlifting and being strong. Furthermore, this is a lifestyle change and a very complex one. It completely changes how you think about basically everything. It requires a very high degree of discipline and dedication, which many people are not capable of, for many reasons which are usually not 100% their fault.

These days when I look at people, usually the first thing I think about is, "hhokey, how fat are they? Am I fatter than them? If so...kill...destroy...." :D

Indeed it seems strange to me that some people are fat. Strange and scary. Because I just can't picture myself in their shoes. And it just seems odd to me why they haven't done much about it. I think..."hell, if I was this person, I'd just go for a 5 hour run".

It's especially bad when I see fat people eating chocolate / candy / pastry / etc, or any other crap like that. It takes all of my willpower to not shout out at the top of my lungs, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?".

It's not always a person's fault completely they are fat, nor do I blame everyone or make any specific fun of fat people, but it is entirely their fault that they are remaining fat.
You can always do something. Always. They choose not to for some reason or another, and that's the main thing I don't like about fat people.

Whether they're lazy, well I don't think that's always true (but probably is most of the time). I would say most fat people are scared of failure when they think about losing weight. Me...if I was ever fat...I wouldn't be scared of anything, because I know that I will eventually have a very low bf%, because I know how to do it. But most fat people, they haven't got the slightest clue when it comes to dieting or exercising properly.

And I don't think all those idiotic infomercials promising idiotic quick fixes helps the situation.
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Anyone can change the variables that they are in control of though.

Correct...that is self-evident.

You simply can't change genetics.

I've never met a single fat person that didn't have massive flaws in their diet and lifestyle.

Actually, I've never met a single significantly under-fat / under-muscled person that didn't have massive flaws in their diet and lifestyle ( i.e they don't exercise ) as well fact, many have had borderline eating disorders IMO.

I suppose the question is what % is due to genetics ( 25%, 50%, 75% ? ) and what % is due to diet and lifestyle. I suspect the best way to shed light on that would be to do some form of twin studies.

If they're happy as they are then great, I have no right to judge anyone, but when some of them moan about it and say that it's not their fault then they're lying to themselves and it's annoying because they don't shut up and do something about it.

I have also heard people say the same things to these people who are morbidly thin as well....i.e " I have a high metabolism " ........" I can't put on weight no matter what I do " etc. etc.

A fat friend of mine has again returned to the Atkins diet this month. Each time he does it he screws up his body a bit more. The fact that he usually sits on his arse eating pies and watching TV apparently has nothing to do with his size, it's all down to carbs

Sorry to hear that.

Let's hope his lifestyle changes one day.
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Not just "big boned" or genetics, but a virus...???:confused:

I watched an interesting show on AD-36 adenovirus (aka Fat Virus) a while ago. Here's the wiki explanation:
"The fat virus is a theory that fatness in humans and other animals might have a viral source. The AD-36 adenovirus has been observed to increase the amount of body fat on laboratory animals, an effect that has been duplicated on chickens and monkeys. Human testing has not been committed on grounds of research ethics."
If I remember the theory correctly (and I could be wrong - I saw this a good while ago), we essentially have many neutral cells that can become either fat or muscle and this virus turns these cells to fat while you have it (estimated a 4 week period).

In this program, a research doctor focused on a similar virus and gathered a test sample of volunteers (of all weights) to test them for signs of this virus. Interestingly, none of the thin people tested positive while 1/6 of the overweight people did.

What I thought was so telling though was the reaction of many of the overweight test candidates as they got their results. One lady was visibly crushed when she read that she had tested negative for ever having the virus.
(paraphrasing) Well, I'm a bit disapointed to be honest. If it had been positive, then I could say to people - "well you see, I've got this virus..."

I would have liked to have seen results for people who had gained weight quickly and then lost it again. Although they did have a set of identical twins of different weights and the overweight one had tested positive for it as well.
(fyi - Scientists look to identical twins for weight research because they share the same genes.)
The Judgement of others and/or being overly judgemental of others can cause internal and external poison, and hamper true circumference of clear vision. Does one look at another and truely see? Maybe, if they were able to remove the spec from their own eye, but this isnt possible, because we all have specs in our eye.

On personal judgment, sense and discernment

Making decisions. We all make them all the time. Big
decisions and little decisions. We make big decisions such as
who we will marry, what profession or occupation we are going
to pursue, where we will work, where we will live, etc. And we
make small decisions: how we will respond to a problem that
has suddenly come up during our day, what we will fix for
dinner, what store we will go to to purchase an item that we
need or want, how we are going to respond to a question someone
has just asked us, whether we are going to study hard and do
our school lessons or not, etc. Every day is filled with a
myriad of decisions. And these decisions are often not simple.
They are often complex, involving many facets and
considerations, pros and cons. Often some kind of risk or
danger is involved and one has to assess the degree and
likelihood of that danger in making the decision. Whether one
is investing money in the stock market, choosing a spouse,
accepting a job, lending money to someone, or buying a used
car, there can be all kinds of hidden dangers. The right
decision is not always easy to know. Decisions usually involve
calling on our store of knowledge and previous experience. But
as complicated as the considerations may be, we usually quickly
assess all the many factors, make our decision, and go. And
many of these decisions we make shape and make our life. They
can make us or break us. And underneath all these decisions we
make all the time is personal judgment. Personal judgment,
good sense, discernment is what makes the world go around. It
is behind everything. It is behind all the important decisions
made in this world. It is the most important ability a person
can have. By it we all live or die. No other ability is so
important to a person as judgment and good sense.

We all must make our own decisions. No one can make them for
us. Not even those who love us most and are closest to us.
Once we are adults, of age, we can do anything we wish. We are
free to act as foolishly, as stupidly, as we wish. And we all
live with the decisions that we ourselves have made. The fool
lives with the consequences of his foolish decisions and the
wise man lives with the consequences of his wise decisions.

The quality of our life is directly related to the quality of
the decisions we make. Our life at any moment is pretty much
the end result of the accumulating aggregate of all the
decisions we have made over our lifetime.

Good decisions come from good judgment and good judgment is
closely connected with knowledge, understanding, a seeking and
inquiring mind, seriousness, and a habit of reflective thought.
Poor judgment is closely connected with ignorance, lack of
understanding, lack of reflective thought.

Closely connected with personal judgment is another important
element: personal values, outlooks and attitudes. The godly,
upright man of principle makes one kind of decisions. The
ungodly, unprincipled man makes very different kinds of

Generally speaking the man of good judgment is that upright man
ruled by sense, reason and conscience. It is that man who does
those things tht he ought to do, those things that conscience
requires; that man who is attentive to that debt that we all
owe to ourselves, to do that which is right. Not all men are
ruled by sense, reason and conscience. The common mind is more
likely to be ruled by impulse, feeling and base appetite. It
is the godly, reflective mind that is ruled by something

We see a person engage in some foolish action or conduct. It
may be something he has done or something he has failed to do.
We ask ourselves why he did it. Why did he do that? His
action revealed an error in judgment. What causes errors in
judgment? What causes bad judgment? Bad judgment is generally
caused by distortion of judgment by some distorting agent.
What do we mean? What might this distorting agent be? What
kind of agents are we talking about? It could be one or more
of the following: laziness, cowardice, vanity, ego, pride,
anger, hatred, romantic infatuation, lust, envy, jealousy,
greed, etc. And because these distorting agents tend to be
sins we can see that foolishness and sin are closely connected.
Many of these agents, such as laziness, cowardice, or vanity,
for example, tend to be deeply engrained habits that present
themselves as character traits. A lazy person or a coward or a
vain person, for example, often makes poor judgments because of
the distorting influence of their character weaknesses. Their
weaknesses rule, distort and overpower their judgment. In the
case of a lazy person a large portion of the decisions and
actions that he makes every day may be strongly influenced or
decided by his laziness. How he does things, what he does and
doesn't do, almost everything he does, may be determined by his
laziness. Thus we see how a character defect can affect a
person's judgment and his life.

Everyone does his own thinking; no one can do it for him.
Everyone manages his own life; everyone manages his own house.
I manage my house. My wife manages her house. If one has
children each child manages his own house. No one can manage
our houses for us. We have to do it ourselves. Some people
are conscientious, work hard, manage intelligently and
responsibly, do those things that they ought to do when they
ought to do them, listen to that voice within when it speaks,
and have clean, well-swept, orderly houses. Other people are
sloppy, indifferent and careless, do nothing that they ought to
do, manage their houses stupidly and foolishly, and have dirty,
unkempt, slovenly, disorderly houses.

Article by someone else.
Persons come in all shapes and sizes. Just because one does not adhere to health and fitness, and may be over weight, doesnt make them bad persons: we all have bad qualities no matter what we do as we are human. When you make personal judgements about other persons, just remember, another person can make a judgement about you, and maybe just as harsh, because he or she may not just share the same value system as you, and percieve YOU as ugly thought you see yourself as beautiful. An open mind is a terrible mind to waste.............

Chillen---------------------------ROCK ON BROTHERS IN THE FIGHT!

I always wish the fellow forum members the BEST!
large people eating salad in puplic =subconcious guilt

Fat people can't catch a break, it seems. If you seem them eating a 2,500 calorie meal, you think, "Well, no wonder. You won't get slimmer that way!" but then if you see a hog eating something healthful, you think, "Too little, too late, chump!"
Fat people can't catch a break, it seems. If you seem them eating a 2,500 calorie meal, you think, "Well, no wonder. You won't get slimmer that way!" but then if you see a hog eating something healthful, you think, "Too little, too late, chump!"

that's funny! I guess you're right! Fat peeps can't catch a break on a fitness forum.


but the way you put it was funny.
Fat people can't catch a break, it seems. If you seem them eating a 2,500 calorie meal, you think, "Well, no wonder. You won't get slimmer that way!" but then if you see a hog eating something healthful, you think, "Too little, too late, chump!"

i dont think that, but i understand that theres plenty of people who do think that way. :confused: people are way too mean nowadays.

i was bike riding with my friends and we saw a fat guy jogging and my friends poked fun at him :confused: why must we be so critical?
but then if you see a hog eating something healthful, you think, "Too little, too late, chump!"

What? Who would say that?

i was bike riding with my friends and we saw a fat guy jogging and my friends poked fun at him :confused: why must we be so critical?

Justs just wrong =/