Self Destructive Tendencies


New member
You do it to yourself, you do, and that's what really hurts.

Wise words by Radiohead. About two weeks ago I was on a role. I had been stuck at 244Lbs for a month and then I came on the forums and asked for some advice and got it. I lost 4lbs in as many days.

Then last friday I started off with a good breakfast, I was planning on having a reasonable lunch and dinner and have a great workout. Instead, when it came time to make lunch, I just didn't feel like cooking anything. No matter what I thought of, I didn't feel like taking the time to do it. So I went over to the nearest greesy spoon and got a Double Cheese Burger and Chilli Fries. All right, my cheat meal for the month, no big deal, I'll have a nice healthy dinner and then have a good workout.

Dinner time rolls around, I don't feel like cooking. Same thing, I am just being lazy!! There is this one Pizza place in town that has the best pizza ever made, so I order Two large ones. (buying just one is so expensive but they have the second one at a great deal) I figure I'll have pizza and freeze the leftovers like I usually do. I obviously don't do that and munch all night and the whole next day until nothing is left. These Pizzas are huge and probably have 3-4k calories each.

Too stuffed to excercise over the next two days, then Sunday I go to my folks. Eat like a mad man cause I probably streached my stomach like the pig I was the previous two days. At least I had a hockey game that night, cause otherwise it would have been bad.

Anyway, this keeps happening until Wednesday. I get fast food, I get lazy, I start falling off track. So yesterday morning I was about to go to have some sort of fast food for breakfast and I realized, What the F*ck am I doing? Did I completly loose it? Wow, I jump on the scale and I gained 7 Pounds in 5 days. Ummmmm time to get my act back together.

Yesterday and today have been great days. I went from 240 to 247 in 5 days, after Yesterday and today, I am pleased to announce I am back down to 244. I busted my butt off hehe, and it felt great!

I could have easilly regressed to my old ways and gained all my weight back if I would have let that get to me. It would have been the easy thing to do. Just give up. But I didn't, and now that I went through this, I strongly believe that it will not happen again. This was by far the worst 5 days since June 1st - the day I started my new life. In many ways I am glad I went through this, it made me realise how easy it is to get off track. I hope this experience can help someone in the future to not make the same mistakes I made, or if they do, I hope they can look at this situation and realise they can get back on track at any time.
:iagree: I thought I only do this lol.I have those bad 3-day sometime a whole week moment and I have gained about 9 lbs in that time for one I have lost a bunch of weight so why in the hell can I still eat as much as I did before?Another thing I have those days where when I do give in and eat some fast food oe out to eat I feel I never get full?
I am glad you hopped back on track and you have the FEEL GOOD attitude back again!Your definatley not alone in this one,Tammy
this is really where the 'diet' vs 'lifestyle change' mindset falls into play...

a lifestyle change - big deal you go out for a less than healthy meal - so what... not the end of the world just go forward- a diet mindset -Oh My God I screwed up - and might as well keep screwing up... and it's harder to get back to where you want to be -which is why diets are so ineffective...
Love me some excellent pizza as well... that whole "order the extra for cheap, and then freeze it" is something that I TOTALLY do. I feel ya, brother.

Keep on keepin on. Damn the man, Joe.
Props to you for dropping some radiohead!:)

Also, I have had these slip ups, and sometimes i have trouble forgiving myself.
But its best when you just move on.
I'm actually experiencing this right now. I started off at 349 (heaviest I've ever been) and i'm now 302. 302!!!!! I know that seems like a lot but i'm 3 friggin' pounds away from being under 300! First time i'd be albe to say that in over 5 years. I'm excited. I'm so happy that i decide to celebrate. uh, oh...

I hang out with some friends, drink some beers and have pizza on saturday. Sunday morning i realize what i did and i go back to my diet but the damage is done as I now weigh 310. Damn...

My body weight spikes like that after my cheat days and it goes back closer to where i started after a few days. So I figure I'd be back in the neighborhood of 304 or so by Wednesday... Just gotta throw in some real intense workouts until then
I hang out with some friends, drink some beers and have pizza on saturday. Sunday morning i realize what i did and i go back to my diet but the damage is done as I now weigh 310. Damn...
Unless you ate 12 pizzas all by yourself -there's no way you gained 7lbs overnight - Just doesnt happen...

That number will come back down in a day or so by simply eating healthily.. there's no reason why you can't allow yourself fun days... just moderation...
Unless you ate 12 pizzas all by yourself -there's no way you gained 7lbs overnight - Just doesnt happen...

That number will come back down in a day or so by simply eating healthily.. there's no reason why you can't allow yourself fun days... just moderation...

That's what i'm finding out about diet vs lifestyle change. Eating the pizza was so against what i'm trying to do right now that i felt pretty depressed the day after but you're absolutely right. It's done and now it's time get back to eating healthy, exercising and drinking lots of water and i'm back on the road to weight loss.

btw.. it was 5 slices and 2 breadsticks
Way To Much Reality In This Post,..... {walks Back To Lala Land Where Pizza Is Fat Free And Filled With Omega3's}
Way To Much Reality In This Post,..... {walks Back To Lala Land Where Pizza Is Fat Free And Filled With Omega3's}

Just curious,

But why do you write every single word in caps? Thought it was just one post, but it seems like you capitalize the first letter of every word of every post. How come? Just curious.
Good for ya to get back on track. I have had these days and might always have these days. but realize this is a lifestyle change and allow for days liike this. Don't beat yourself up!!! I've done enough of that for both of us. lol

Sausage on the pizza???? Just figured if u r going o screw up, might as go all the way. kidding. that was my old thinking, once I've screwed up, might as well keep going. lol
Great post man and glad you took corrective action.

Mal said this is where the whole diet vs. lifestyle thing comes into play. People talk about the lifestyle all the time but it's such an important concept and I'm not sure if people are really 'getting' it.

It's not just about creating permanent habits. That's half the battle. And nothing is permanent unless you literally change your mind. Changing your mind is the root of the whole lifestyle thing. And in some cases, it's not just about changing your mind; it's also about getting control of it and understanding it.

The sciences dealing with the mind have transformed into some hogwash theory of positive thinking and whatnot, sadly. Gimmicky marketers have turned the psychology of it all into another hard-to-believe faction of the fitness industry.

And that's real bad. People fail because of their minds. Not because of their exercise and nutrition programs. Read through some of the intro threads around here..... almost every single person is struggling and almost every single person is looking for the magic plan.

We've forgotten that it all starts with the mind.

You did something very powerful here.....

You actually stopped the record playing in your head. You see, we're on autopilot unless we step in and change the track manually. And doing this isn't easy. Catching yourself hurts sometimes. The realizations that are made when you actually stop to think about what's going on up there in the old noggin are beyond powerful.

But that's just it..... thinking about what you think about isn't easy.

Self talk is the be-all-end-all in my opinion, when it comes to action..... have that action be negative or positive. Get control of your self-talk and you get control of your goals and more importantly your life.

Sometimes the lyrics of a song can wake you up for a while.

But in my mind.... it takes a more consistent and concrete approach, which has been discussed by a some of us a few times on the forum, but it always gets buried in a journal or underneath mountains of exercise and nutrition information.

Personally, I'm always making lists. Writing things down constantly that motivate and/or remind me. I'm reading affirmations daily. I'm developing new goals and tweaking old constantly. I am continually trying to catch negative thoughts and replace them with positives. Visualizations are a consistent part of each and every day for me. The list goes on and on. I spend more time on this stuff than I do on my fitness and nutrition programming. I bet not many of the members here can say the same.

Some people blow this stuff off like it's stupid.

Haha...... not really funny, but I still have to laugh b/c said people still struggle day in and day out to remain consistent with their efforts for an appreciable length of time. They sit here banging their heads against the wall trying to find that missing factor that they aren't including in their program. If they only took the time to realize the role the mind plays in this journey.... they might actually reach their goals in 2 years instead of 10.... if at all, unfortunately.

I've been meaning to get around to starting a thread that, depending on how it turns out, could turn into a stickie..... the thread would be devoted to human development and tools that can be used to better understand how we can gain control over our minds. We can discuss things such as neurolinguistic programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, visualizations, affirmations, etc, etc.

We focus a lot on what has to happen in terms of exercise and nutrition around here. We don't ever get into a lot of detail about the psychology of it all.... which in my opinion, is even more important than the rest.

We'll start the thread sometime after the new year I think when I'm less busy.... but this is definitely a topic I want to discuss.

Thanks for bringing this up!
while my twisted brain doesn't necessarily agree with everything written - excellent post full of good info and the conversation for 2008 is intriguing and a good one...

When you have more than 15- 20lbs to lose... the psychological aspect of it is a huge factor and can make or break a person and really determine their success..

You lost me a little there on your stance in regard to positive thinkiing. At first sounded like u thought it was hogwash but then later on stated that u replace your negative thoughts w/ positive ones.

For me, yeh, I do believe in positive thinking, goal setting, affirmations, journals & focusing. Things I usually have NEVER done in the past. I am currently tryiing to change my lifestyle not only by eating healthy but also in my thoughts. In my journal and elsewhere here, I have mentioned emotional eating. All has to do with not releasing these "negative" thoughts. Yes, have always been, to some degree, a half empty glass instead of a half full glass.

your mind has a lot to do w/ your life.

I ran a marathon just over a year ago w/ only 6 weeks of training and 1 10 mile run as my long run. Didn't even wear the sneakers I trained w/ as I left them at someone house. Diidn't even realized I used the wrong pair of sneakers. What got me through it, my mind. when I hit mile 16, almost stoppped and said, wtf r u doing out here??? u have no business being here, why not turn around and go back to the parking lot. ( the course was 2 times around a 13.1 mile loop - first 6.55 miles downhill, then uphill)

But the mind kicked in and said, u know what, keep goiing to the 20 mile mark and then I will allow u to run/walk the last 6 miles up hill! When I ran this I was 162lbs. Not in great shape in regard to wt. So, yeh, hit the 20 mile mark and would make myself run to a certain point, then allow a short walk, then run to the next point that i would mark for myself. Yes, jog/run, why, because I realized at my pace, w/ 6 miles to go, I could of been out there for another 75 minutes!!! It took me 5 1/2 hrs. The only reason I was able to complete it, to me, was because of my mind.

I think our mindset has a lot to do w/ us achieving all our goals in life.
Anyone have any good mind altering drugs??? kidding.

You lost me a little there on your stance in regard to positive thinkiing. At first sounded like u thought it was hogwash but then later on stated that u replace your negative thoughts w/ positive ones.

Oh no....

I am all for positive thinking. I was speaking about how the industry turned positive thinking and the sciences backing it into a joke.... just as they do with everything.

Pretty much anything the diet industry puts out is a joke anymore. At least in the eyes of the public.... think about infomercials and the like.

You whore something out long enough and eventually the people will lose interest.
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ah, gotcha.

Then we r both on the same page there.

Yes somewhere I posted that, that a great service, trainer, would
be not only someone to work on your exercise & nutrition but your mind as well.
Working with the people I work with hands on has kind of forced me into understanding the psychology of it all a bit more. And I shouldn't say it like that.... I have an interest in the psychology side of things forever.

But when you are dealing with 400-600 lb people, the information wrt to diet and exercise is a side-issue at best. Figuring out a psychological plan of attack is not only the tricky part.... it's also the most critical.

And from what I can tell based on my experience.... just as there is no One Way to program exercise and nutrition... there is no One Way to program the psychology for everyone. It has to be handled on a case by case basis.
There's a cool video on yahoo right now how a woman lost 500 lbs by turning to the internet.... where she wasn't judged by her appearance and she was able to find value in her life again.

Again, the mind.....
that is interesting... my experience has been the opposite...

i mean personally, i seem to find shallowness wherever i turn... be it the net or the street corner. that said, i've found a great deal of very amazing people on the net. i guess it's a very individual thing....

but in my experience with working with the hyperobese...i can say that if it weren't for the internet.... they wouldn't be losing weight now most likely.