Mreik, maybe your avatar should be Batman, rather than the big blue.
I don't see how raising teachers' salaires will benefit the depraved criminals from not doing this thing again.
But having an armed police officer on the premises can deter the sickos. Believe me, you will think twice when you see the black and white. OH, BUT WAIT A MINUTE!! Our police departments are understaffed state wide, our border patrols are next to non existent, and our state troopers are a rarity to find these days. WTF? Budget cutbacks, baby. From the state and the fed. (Not for the prison guard union. Just do a little research and find out how influential their lobby is) Now, how in God's creation is that NOT the fault of policy makers, is beyond me. Politicians send the kids to private schools, so they really could care less about public institutions. Additionally, public schools are funded by subsidies from the property taxes of the area, hence the reason why there are really nice schools in really nice neighborhoods, BUT the state subsidies remain the same for all schools. Raising the salaries of teachers will do nothing to deter "scholastic violence", and metal detectors will only filter out some of the "bad guys". What our country needs is educational reform, and THAT starts with the people but ENDS in the White House. So, yeah, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Ford, Carter, Nixon, JFK are ALL at fault for ignoring our public school system (but surprisingly LBJ did a good job with his programs). And everyone under them at the federal and state levels too! And I hate the blame game, but I have to blame ALL elected officials for listening to their politcal advisors and lobbyists instead of the needs of the people.
And Gray Davis is/was a Democrat!!!
/end rant
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