School Shootings

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Today was the third school shooting in less than a week.

Today, a 32 year old man, stormed an Amish school house in Pennsylvania, let all the male children go, then shot the remaining girls. 11 girls were shot execution style. 3 of them have died so far and 8 are wounded, some critically. The school was a K-8 school. The man then took his own life.

Friday, a 15 year old boy walked into school in Wisconsin and shot the principal 3 times. He carried with him a shotgun and a .22 revolver. He pointed the shotgun at a teacher, but the teacher wrestled it away. Once the teacher saw him reach for the .22, he took cover. The principal boldly stepped into the hallway to confront the shooter. After he was shot in the head, chest, and leg, the principal wrestled the student to the ground and swept the gun away. The student will be charged as an adult. The principal died several hours later.

Thursday, a 54 year old man walked into a Colorado high school on a mission. He took 6 female students hostage and sexually assaulted all of them. When the SWAT team rushed in, he shot one of the girls in the back of the head as she tried to run free. He then took his own life.

I feel the need to post this as I'm a high school student as well as many others here. Always in the back of your mind.
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It's just sick. Just plain sick. :mad:
All three shootings are also on my mind. I am a secretary at a rural high school and the sad/scary thing is, that I can see it happening in our school. I see so many angry kids. (Parents are also angry/frustrated with the system and how their tax money is being spent) We do have a buzzer system to get in to the school but if staff and students put a rock in the doorway to hold the door open, its really nonesence and we don't have metal detectors. The crazy thing is, that I do feel safe there but as I am typing this, I am rethinking this. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those affectted by the tragedies.
Fack...we had one school shooting over here (a psycho that had been released from treatment) and the end result was a carpet ban on hand guns, which just about ruined my fun...

That is really ****ed thoughts are with the parents and the poor kids who saw it happening to their freinds.
in 8th grade, people thought i was going to come to school with a gun, so i got suspended for 2 days. that was fun. but what i dont get is, wouldnt that just give me more time to plan it? stupid principal.

but those shootings are sick...
This stuff makes me so freaking angry. I just wish those people werent dead so i can show them how i feel about them...very slowly and painfully.

This is why i hate watching the news. I hear about this stuff and all i wanna do is pull a "Boondock Saints" on the world.
Parents are over worked and uninvolved in their childrens lives, so that teenage angst just builds up until the kid goes nuts! Instead of counseling and spending time formulating discipline in their childeren, parents are opting for the phamaceutical approach, which does nothing but prolong the problem.

As for sickos breaking into schools, and killing kids, I blame the politicians we elect. From Bush to the local mayor, public education is a very low priority on their list. My case and point: before our past CA Gov. Gray Davis left office to the Govenator, he signed two bills. One reduced school expenditures state wide by over 20%, which cut teachers' salaries and operational costs for every school level but saving multimullions in tax revenues. That same week, he signed a bill that would expand San Quentin (a large Federal prison) that same year, costing...$42 million tax dollars!!!

WTF is wrong with our elect leadership in this country?????????
I was always led to believe the US school system is second to none.

Your school bus system is however second to none. It blows over here.
Second to none because it's last to all.

Seriously though, if you WANT to learn, you can learn in almsost any school
(few exceptions).. But the teachers get paid next to nothing so their motivation is low also..
As for sickos breaking into schools, and killing kids, I blame the politicians we elect. From Bush to the local mayor, public education is a very low priority on their list. My case and point: before our past CA Gov. Gray Davis left office to the Govenator, he signed two bills. One reduced school expenditures state wide by over 20%, which cut teachers' salaries and operational costs for every school level but saving multimullions in tax revenues. That same week, he signed a bill that would expand San Quentin (a large Federal prison) that same year, costing...$42 million tax dollars!!!

WTF is wrong with our elect leadership in this country?????????

Of course... it's Bush's fault! that is absolutely ridiculous...

I agreed with what you said about the parents being overworked and distancing themselves from their children, but c'mon... how in hell does some psychotic idiot going into a school and commiting this atrocious crime have ANYTHING to do with our "elected leadership"??

probably the same way that Bush conjured up hurricane Katrina, huh?? Is there a politics thread anywhere? i don't want this get this far off subject...
probably the same way that Bush conjured up hurricane Katrina

I knew it all along...:eek:

These shootings are pretty sick. I ultimately blame the parents for any shootings that involve kids shooting kids. It's the parent's responsiblity to get kids the psychological help they need. In fact, parents should be punished as well(just not as harshly).
I really hope the kid from Wisconsin gets sent to an adult penitentiary, with a cell next to a guy named Bubba Faywood.:mad:
everything is Bush's fault apparently. that really annoys me. seems like no one takes the blame for anything anymore, they just put it on him.
and its definitely the parents fault in most cases but Im sure there are some situations where you dont even expect the kid to do something like that and they do. not always something that can be avoided. thats why you gotta send your kid to a private ive been in catholic school all my life and nothing bad happens. less teens use drugs and less do violence for sure. obviously not everyone is catholic though. :rolleyes:

Edit: oops i guess we were typing at the same time. sorry bout the Bush thing but its just a fact.
We try to avoid politics threads.. too much crappola. So let's keep on point gents. :D

sorry mreik...

moral of the story is... Dont blame Bush for this crappola. :D

thing is... my parents probably paid less attention to me than parents in the 1950's, and even more so before that. It's definitly a problem that we're facing today in todays faster economy. we can point fingers at tons of things in the world today, but we need to prevent people form becoming corrupted enough to do something like this... not spend millions on metal detectors and such!
There's capital punishment and that doesn't seem to stop anybody. They see it (or just killing themselves) as an easy way out. It would be much better to keep them alive to suffer in their own guilt, and to show everyone that people DO and WILL get caught.


/thread :cool:
Mreik, maybe your avatar should be Batman, rather than the big blue.

I don't see how raising teachers' salaires will benefit the depraved criminals from not doing this thing again.
I don't see how raising teachers' salaires will benefit the depraved criminals from not doing this thing again.

Edit: Word. (again)

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