When I was in school, we got more choices as we got older.
Grade school you had to eat what they provided or bring lunch (which I did most days).
Jr High it was no longer cool to bring sack lunch because you could choose from the provided lunch or salad or they had a bar MWF a hamburger bar, pizza bar (of course the provided lunch always was pizza too on that day
), and deli bar. Plus you could purchase items off a al carte w/ cash. They only sold junk food from there and the most sold item - soft cookies for a quarter, people would buy them 10 at a time!
Then in High School they had a diff bar each day of the week - Hamburger, Taco, Pizza, Pasta, and Deli or the provided lunch or salad and you could get al carte food.
Finally after the al carte was getting more people than the school lunch, the school thought they needed to change things so kids wouldn't eat so much junk for lunch. They decided instead of taking away the junk food in the al carte, they would stop letting kids pay cash for the food, so IF the parents monitored the prepaid lunch cards, they would know if their kid was eating the school lunch or junk food. Of course most parents didn't care and nothing changed. So they took it a step farther and said if you have $5 or less in your account, you can't eat lunch today, and your photo was on the card, so you couldn't borrow anybody's card. I guess they thought if they starved people they'd lose weight!