Safe Energy Supplements?

Hey I'm sort of a newby...and I was reading it with interest! So all's not lost! :newbie:

Edit...and apparently can't even spell it right, even when it right in front of my nose!:rolleyes:
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Why is ######'s name blocked out in my previous post where I quoted him......strange things happen around here lately, lol. :)

EDIT......See it gets blocked out even typing it, lol---->B-i-g T-o-m........he, he.......geesh, lol

Thats great to hear Sky Angel!

Wazz up?

How are you?!

Best wishes

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Simply wonderful! Thanks for asking!:D I've been reading Sparrow's dairy for about a week now! WOW! Definitely a motivator, huh?

I think I'll begin a journal just to keep track of it all. I notice how benefical it was for Sparrow to look back and see her downfalls and achievements.
Simply wonderful! Thanks for asking!:D I've been reading Sparrow's dairy for about a week now! WOW! Definitely a motivator, huh?

I think I'll begin a journal just to keep track of it all. I notice how benefical it was for Sparrow to look back and see her downfalls and achievements.

Go for it! I think it will do you some good!

Look forward to reading it!

Get after it girl! are bad and you know it already......ROCK ON!

Best wishes


There are a number of good energy drinks out there which will help you have more physical endurance. Look for a drink that contains Resveratrol. This is an antioxidant which research indicates increases physical stamina and endurance. Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes. Studies also indicate resveratrol has benefits for heart health But consuming so much wine to get the benefit of this nutrient is not wise :) so try it in supplements like Red Defense.
There are a number of good energy drinks out there which will help you have more physical endurance. Look for a drink that contains Resveratrol. This is an antioxidant which research indicates increases physical stamina and endurance. Resveratrol is found in the skin of red grapes. Studies also indicate resveratrol has benefits for heart health But consuming so much wine to get the benefit of this nutrient is not wise :) so try it in supplements like Red Defense.


Actually...there are legit clinical studies that have shown the athletes and those leading an active lifestyle may want to reconsider that amount of antioxidants they are consuming; studies have shown the consuming too many antioxidants can inhibit the oxidation of fat and actually hurt performance! Do a search on "Dangers to antioxidants".....

Fads come & fads go...right now we're riding the antioxidant craze and every year a new rare berry is found in some deep tropical cave in some unexplored region of the world. Nobody needs a Goggliejillionmillion mg's of antioxidants and all these unfounded claims made by these marketing companies are all about them getting wealthy off unsuspected ill-informed people who think they're doing themselves a favor.

Take your reversatol and reverse your way out of this forum. Or as Ghandi might suggest: Be the free-radical you want to eradicate in the world. :newangel: