Newbie here!
Hi all,
I am a noob here so just wanted to introduce myself. I currently started running/jogging everyday about a week ago for about half an hour to an hour everyday. Been going mostly to the gym and went for a run outside today now that the weather is getting nice. I have been running about 2x a week prior to that about 45-1 hour and decided to cut down the running time and go more often, which I've decided should be everyday if I can help it. I am running for weight loss purposes and just to get more healthy. I would like to lose about 20 lbs. I'm currently 5'5" and about 140-150 lbs. I am also trying to diet and maintain portion control and cut out bad foods.
Anywho, I have been having bad bouts of insomnia and about 4-6 hours of sleep everynight since I started and have been slightly sore every single day. Today particularly was pretty painful. Even despite being sore I went for a jog/walk around my neighborhood for about 45 minutes and ate and took an hour nap and I just woke up. I still feel relatively sore and even a little bloated because I ate some high-sodium foods after my run, which I regret now. In any case, yea I am debating buying some sleeping pills so that I can get some decent sleep and appropriate recovery time for my body b/c I don't know how much longer I can commit to running everyday without the appropriate rest. I was thinking of buying Ambien which I think you don't need a prescription for? Anywho yea, if anyone has advice on how to deal with insomnia and sleep-deprivation on a daily running program, please feel free to give me some insight~
Also, my left leg is what I think a full inch shorter than my right leg. It's funny b/c my right thigh is slightly bigger than my left. I don't know if this disparity would cause any issues with my running? And if so, how to avoid/offset such problems should they occur?
Hope everyone is doing well!