Running on an empty stomach

I try to run everyday for 40min. Do you burn more fat running on an empty stomach? Is there really a big difference?
i always exercise "empty" - a friend said she drinks a sugar free energy drink and that it helps a lot.
Your going to get a lot of replies from people with different opinions.
There are dozens of studies that contradict each other

Important thing is to realize if it works for YOU. If you feel like its making a difference, go for it. But if you feel tired and you can't run as long, then eat something.

Personally, I only do fasted-cardio in the morning i wake up if the night before i carbed up.
I try to run everyday for 40min. Do you burn more fat running on an empty stomach? Is there really a big difference?

There's a saying: "Fat burns in the fire of carbohydrates"

I believe this is more related to your glycogen stores but if you're starving your body you may see a negative result.

I personally will eat a small amount before I exercise in order to not start off on empty.
i tend to agree w/ the posters above, your body and it's response to the workout will vary; however, i need to have something in my stomach before i run(banana or some other forum of simple carbohydrates)
Yes, this topic has been heavily debated with persons for it and against it.

Like I said many times before, reference the "fat burning zone" or the potential of fat (or other fuel) being burned during cardio, will depend "primarily" on the "total circumference' of ones diet on whether it brings optimal benefit or suboptimal benefits.

For example, timing isnt going to matter much, IF one eats well over their maintenance needs. Fat is going to eventually accumulate regardless of when cardio is completed.

My opinion is to JUST DO IT.

Keep your diet on the UP and UP after completion, so the total circumference of your diet/fitness routine is encircled with proper direction.

The most important thing is the diet, and next thing is to JUST DO IT, and not "fret" over "these types" of things.

One can have far too many OTHER things to concern themselves with that can be severely detrimental to personal motivation than worrying when is the best time to do cardio.

The best time to do cardio is: Just do it.

Sometimes one has to be a "hard @ass" on oneself to bring results. No one ever said this was going to be easy.

That box of tissue doesnt WORK. You must be the diet CLERK

So bring your goal PERK by going BESERK

Be a self @SS today! :)


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One things for certain, eating something that will induce an insulin reponse will inhibit fat loss. i.e protein bars, soft drinks etc
if your on a defecit training pre fed or not you will lose weight
if your on a surplus training pre fed or not you will gain weight
why not train pre fed burn more cals and have the energy to enjoy it.
I can't think of any advantages to skipping food before running and lots of disadvantages.

I always eat 1 - 2 hours before a hard workout.
if i remember right, this debate is focused on the time of the exercise and exactly the amount of cals burned during. whats not debated is the end result.. meaning what you get at the end of a week. and that result is exactly the same, so with this in mind as mentioned there is in fact no benifit running on a empty stomach.
Best way to lose fat? run in the morning when you wake up without eating.

Other than that i'm not a fun of exercising on an empty stomach. Of course, eat beforehand, but make sure you eat at least an hour before your actuall run.
You should avoid eating before your morning run, unless your run is going to take place at least 1 hour after that. A lot depends on how many hours you sleep and if your energy stores in your muscles and liver are up to par. " Fasting state" is a very misleading statement. Avoid running every day, go for 3 - 1 days instead to minimise injury risks. Always have a 5 minute walk, and a 5 min slow jog before you actually "go for it". You are not flexible in the morning, your body, especially your joints, will need some time to adjust. Always remember, the state of your energy stores depend on your nutrition. If the quality of your calorie intake is good enough you will never experience any problems in the morning.
Before one of my 5Ks I had an 8 ounce sirloin, 10 oz sweet potato and 2 cups of broccoli. I felt like a million bucks:)

I avoid anything that requires my not eating beforehand
Before one of my 5Ks I had an 8 ounce sirloin, 10 oz sweet potato and 2 cups of broccoli. I felt like a million bucks:)

I avoid anything that requires my not eating beforehand

I hope it was outside. Mmmmm, broccoli farts on the treadmill :D

Seriously, though, I eat about an hour before a workout. If I don't I will slow down halfway through the session. Not fun.
You should know you shouldnt eat anything just before exercise ?

There are many theorys on this. My opinion is that it does not matter when you do the cardio it just that you do it in the first place. If your goal is fat loss, it will burn calories and produce a deficit in the morning, afternoon or evening(if your diet is correct). If your goal is cardiovascular health, it will not matter what time you do it at either.

Eating before works for me and may not work for others. We all know our bodies and how they respond to these types of things.
That's just too simplistic and doesn't take into account how complex metabolism actually is.

For example, eating before and causing an insulin response will significantly inhibit fat loss. It will also try and store the glucose, when what our bodies actually want is for are glucose to become availale for use - not storage. Consequences:?

- greatly reducd fat useage hence fat loss
- less energy for the actuall workout hence less calories
- fatigue quicker hence less calories
- etc

Judging from your picture your probably not going to be bothered much about when to eat. But for the average person wanting to lose fat then you statement just doesn't work.
i don't like eating b4 I run, it gives me a stitch, but im not exactly empty...I bet that neither burns more calories, just do whatever enables your body to run longer.