is it better to run and/or do cardio before or after a workout and why?
Yeah, same reason I do it. I can't imagine just going straight to pumping max weights. I need to, at the very least, stretch for about 15 minutes before doing anything. Then I jog a mile and cool down, dry off the dripping sweat, and then hit the weights.When I run before my workout it can get pretty intense. I like to do this because it loosens my muscles and increases my heartrate. I give myself a couple of minutes of break time before I begin lifting, but I have found that the run before the lift increases the efficiency of my workout. I am able to push a little harder and keep my heartrate elevated throughout the process, to help burn extra fat. It seems to be different from person to person, but for me, this is what works best.
Well dear i am also fitness loving person and used to do ab workouts daily. I prefer running after ab workouts. I do 10 min warm up, then ab workouts, and then jogging. I know from personal experiences that I feel better running after working out. Here i also like to share that i join that helps me to get six pack abs in less than 2 months. Sounds interesting, right?