Weight-Loss Road Trip Challenge: FAT to SLIM

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3.5 miles cross trainer, 1 mile rowing, 1 mile jump rope, 30 min strength training= 6.5 miles

New Total= 1617.25
2 miles swimming - I was swimming laps in the pool with my little one between my legs and swimming..LOL

New Total = 1630.5
adding miles for 9/20/07

I did 52 minutes on the elliptical for a total of 7.5 miles.

New total: 1,665 miles

woohoo we are almost there.. Lets keep up the great work everyone.
I am back on board, I apologize for the hiatis...
5 miles (2 miles on the eliptical and 3 on the treadmill)

Total = 1670 miles
Cool. We're gonna go from Chunky to Lean. :D Chunky Pond is located in Florida just outside Bronson and Lean Creek in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Distance=1,814 miles
Sounds great to me! I am in!!!
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