Weight-Loss Road Trip Challenge: Chunky to Lean



New member
Welcome to our next Road Trip Challenge!

For this trip we're going from Chunky Pond in Florida to Lean Creek in Pagosa Springs, Colorado for a total distance of 1,814 miles.

The same rules apply as before. Every 30 minutes of exercise equals one mile or if your machine tracks your mileage you can post that number. All mileage should be rounded to increments of .25 for simplicity. If confused take a look at our last road trip, FAT to SLIM, or feel free to ask.

From Chunky to Lean, let's do this! :jump:
I'd like to kick things off with today's workout:

35 mintues on the treadmill for 2.64 miles & 30 minutes on the elliptical for 2.07

Total = 4.75 miles

Great start guys!

1hr racquetball, 30min weight lifting, 2miles rowing, 15min stair climber= 5.5 miles

New Total= 14.25
I'm in! Thanks for taking the lead Pennybear.

30 minutes lifting weights and 10 miles on the bike.

New Total = 27.25
I would like to be "in"...just a question, once I get in exercise, I add to the last total?
35 minutes Treadmill - 2.75 miles, 30 minutes Elliptical - 3.25 miles, 25 minutes Bike - 9 miles = 15 miles

New Total = 71
20 min. elliptical + 35 min. treadmill + 10 min. weights = 65 min. for 4 miles

New total = 75
Welcome to the road trip! Be sure to add your mileage to the total each time so we can get there as fast as possible.

New Total = 16.25 miles

Oh! I understand now. I did 3.25 miles yesterday and 3.5 iles today for a total of 6.75

NEW TOTAL: 81.75
3 miles cross trainer, 30 min strength training= 4miles

New Total= 85.75