Rep!!! What happened?

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As much as i like the double digit rep im not quite sure i like everyone els having so much rep lol. Hell how come malkore got his raised so high? i went from 6 to 24 (then leigh rep me so i went to 26, thanks leigh). Male went from like wha 18 to 99 lol, lucky dog.

If yall do get rid of all this "hand out" rep, make sure you dont take my 2second little green block. As i like it and i had it before yall gave out all this rep:p.
Im believe that you get a green block for every 100 points. Of course you start with 1 so then at 100 you get 2 and so on..

Its weird though because I repped a newbie with 65 power. He didnt even move to 1. At 50 points he should've moved up. I repped SKKMMAN and he jumped three points. Ive made a post in the mod forum, but no word as of yet.

For now I guess just roll with it.
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Righty O guys. I think I'm on to something...

Looking at rep, and then basically using my memory. I think I have figured it out...
For every 50 posts = 1 rep power
New RP = Old rep power + 1 rep for each 50 posts.

Mine would be:
500/50 = 10 rep power + 3 rep power that I already had.

Silents would be:
950/50=19 + 7 origional rep power

4450/50=89 + 10 origional rep power

2800/50=56 + 10 origional rep power

Forgive me if I'm wrong guys. :D
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Here are some more examples:
Karky - Current RP = 57
2500 posts/50 = 50 + 7 RP he already had.
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here is the current settings:

*p = rep power
*r = rep points

start with 10r
1p for every 150 days registered
1p for every 100 posts
1p for every 25 rep
minimum 10 posts before your rep counts on others
minimum 11r before your rep counts on others
Read the post from the man Whisper. I think it may have been 1 rep power for every 50 posts, now it was changed to something more realistic, like 100.

ps~ u and i are still the only ones with a spectacular aura.

and at least your not mreik.
Read the post from the man Whisper. I think it may have been 1 rep power for every 50 posts, now it was changed to something more realistic, like 100.

ps~ u and i are still the only ones with a spectacular aura.

and at least your not mreik.

Sweet, Ok the settings were changed thats why the rep power went down some(after it went up some lol). Thats good i like these new settings better.

Yeah i love my "aura":D. Really were the only ones with the "Aura"? I would have thought leigh,malkore, and the other "mods"/ old "regs" would have it aswell. Ahh i guess were just special:p.

Yeah, whats up with Mreik. I almost feel for his total lack of "power".


Evo has the "Aura" also. So now it makes Three with the "aura" lol
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Rep points started the same for everyone. Rep power started higher for mods/admin, however none of that matters now.

If they dont have two green bars, then there is no aura possibility. Read sig Silent.
mreik is protesting the rep system and requested a negative value
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