I dont get it. Everyone is saying that we should eliminate rep because its evil. Then we (well I) do some adjustments and everyone gets upset because their rep gets lower.
Heres what I did:
Changed the 1 rep power gained for every 150 days member to 180.
" for every 25 posts to 125.
" for every 100 rep points to 300.
Lowered the rep spread requirement from 3 to 1.
We also changed the level of point requirements awhile back, but the green bar is unaffected for some reason. Do you want your 300 odd rep power back?
I don't think it's the same people complaining both ways.
It didn't go down the same % for every person like everyone is saying, the whole formula changed.
I liked it better the other way, but I won't cry too hard I guess:bncry:
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