Rep power back!!!

Do you want Rep back?

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Rep is a tricky thing, especially on Fitness Forums.

A lot of new members will tend to associate a member being very knowledgeable about Diet/Fitness being that their rep power is high.


+rep......oh damn!
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lots or rep and lots of posts are evidence of lacking in LIFE....


Rep is a tricky thing, especially on Fitness Forums.

A lot of new members will tend to associate a member being very knowledgeable about Diet/Fitness being that their rep power is high. This is sometimes not the case and when this member gives advice to the "newbie", more times than less the advice is skewed. When the "newbie" starts to do some research on their own and finds out that this advice may not be the best, it can possibly detour them from re-visiting this forum.

Don't get my wrong, I like the rep system, but my feelings are that it may not be in the best interest of a Fitness forum.

This forum is neither the first nor the last to have a rep system, it is common in most VB forums. It is actually a toy and not an indication of knowledge/expertise in that area. On other forums I've been at, some of the posters with highest rep themselves ask noob questions (they get their high reps by sticking around for many years not "knowledge").

Noobs may be noobs to fitness, but they can tell when people are joking or just making comments to raise their post-count. Particularly on forums with sections for teens/Misc etc where a large amount of horsing around takes place.

If you want to assume rep for other than what it was intended for, then you need to surf the interwebz a bit more.
I think it is still the same "principle" as having a regular rep system. JMHO.

Yeah, this is true. The "thanks" thing is just another name for the rep system. It does the exact same thing.

I think JohnnySolo made the best points here. If someone has been here for a long time, has lots of posts, and high rep, there's a good chance they know what they're talking about. And in the event that they don't, as said before, it is up to the rest of the knowledgable people to point that out. I realize there are loopholes there and it does get annoying to do that, but if you think about it, it's gonna happen anyway. Without a rep system, you still need to point out the crap from the good stuff. WITH a rep system, you may not have to do it as often.
Lol, we should make a system so that the people with knowledge point out other people who say good stuff and give them a star or something.
Now we just need to figure out who those initial people with knowledge are supposed to be.. I volunteer, lol :D
Lol, we should make a system so that the people with knowledge point out other people who say good stuff and give them a star or something.
Now we just need to figure out who those initial people with knowledge are supposed to be.. I volunteer, lol :D

Fine, I'll man up....;)

This idea is too much work anyway haha. Sometimes I'm not around for a while. I might lose track.
The vB forum has a lot of forum add-ons to review. It may be worth to take a look see.

I believe vB has a "Thank You" system where users click a "Thank You" button (in the user title area) to thank the posts they like. Then their names are added to a list under the post they thanked. This is highly configurable. For example, after so many thank-yous (pre-configured), the user can receive an award. This can be place in the user profile (say in the awards/rewards section, OR in the user title line (the forum can determine which or both). Its done in one click, easy, and no need to do any navigation to the users profile, and make a series of clicks to post to the profile area. There is no rep-bar.

Here is an example: See attached Thumb nail, please.

The given thank yous by members can be visible (to all) or invisible (to another member, besides the one that provided the thank you, and the person whom made the post, or it can be made completely invisible); which ever one is preferable. (vB)

I am looking up more specific detail, and will post it.

And, I will provide more information on this: Award/reward system

(taken from the description of the file add-on)


This is a Medals/Awards system. Admin can give members awards, and award icons will be displayed in member's profile, posts, as well as in a award list. Highly configurable rules, regulations, so it can be tweaked to a specific forum, and weed out problem areas as they come up. Being a tad creative with it, it is possible to customize it to this forum.


- Can Create/Edit/Delete/Reorder categories/sub-categories in ACP (with category name and description)
- Can Create/Edit/Delete awards in ACP (with Award Name, Description, Icon URL, Image URL)
- Can Move one (or all) award(s) from one category to another
- Can set some awards un-classified (not displayed for public)
- Can re-order awards in awards showcase
+ Issue awards to members, based on username or userid, with Issue Reason
+ Remove awards from members
- [1.2] Options to set number of awards displayed in postbit
- [1.2] Options to turn on/off showing award icon, images, award requests in awards list, awards icons in memberlist
- [2.1.0] Options to re-order awards in postbit and member's profile
>Order by issued time (newest first)
>Order by issued time (oldest first)
>Order by Award Order (ASC)
>Order by Award Order (DESC)

- [2.1.0] Option to set award in-active. Inactive awards will not be listed in award list. However, it will still be displayed in user's profile, if member has the award.

- [2.1.0] Option to set "Request Award" option for each award. (Need "Show request award column" option ON to see the request link)

- [2.1.0] Set custom user group permission, to set which group can request award (access request award page)

- [2.1.0] Option to limit maximum number of users for each award displayed in awards list

- [2.1.0] Change award request options, all options are set in AdminCP, template and phrase based. Totally customizable

- [2.1.0] Option to send PM to use when he receives an award.

Front page

- Display awards list in with: Award Name, Description, Icon, Image, and Members who get each award.

- Display awards showcase in profile, with Award information, Issue time and reason

- Display award icons in post bit (show thread, show post, announcement, private)

[1.2] Display limit awards in postbit, with total awards, and a link to awards showcase in member profiles.

[1.2] Award request, link to a form sending to email/PM/new thread or post (based on Dr Erwin Loh's Form hack)

[1.2] Display award on Memberlist page (by trulylowcarb)
[2.1.0] Display individual award with name of members who receive the award
[2.1.2] Collapse award categories and awards showcase


(to do)
- Files to add: 6 (/awards.php, /award_request.php, /admincp/award.php, /admincp/award_cat.php, /includes/xml/postbbit_awards.xml, /includes/xml/cpnav_awards.xml)
- Templates to edit: 5 (MEMBERINFO, post bit, postbit_legacy, member list, memberlist_resultsbit)
- Tables to add: 3 (award, award_user, award_cat)
- Templates to add: 9 ('AWARDS', 'awards_awardbit','awards_awardusers_bit','awards_bit','awards_userawards_bit',' awards_category','awards_categorybit', 'awards_request_form', 'awards_request_formanswers')
- Phrases to add: xxx
Time: about 2 minutes
Installer is included (1 product XML)



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Good greif!

ok, now I am *wholly* against the "thank you" thing. I was thinking something that wasn't noticeable to anyone, but you could give a quick "good post" comment without anyone but the receiver seeing it....but that^ ???

oh, hell no.......
Good greif!

ok, now I am *wholly* against the "thank you" thing. I was thinking something that wasn't noticeable to anyone, but you could give a quick "good post" comment without anyone but the receiver seeing it....but that^ ???

oh, hell no.......

On topics like this, there isn't going to be inclusive opinions to one side. Normally, it can come down to the exclusive majority and the overall benefit of the forum. From what I have seen of this type of thank you system, is that it is highly 'configurable' (such as turning off noticable thank yous given, if you had read the post). Once the entire system is layed out, one can configure the options that would and would not work with a forum, and make more professionally appealing and plausable for the benefit of the forum.
You're banned anyway Chillen, why keep coming back? It's so desperate and needy, I actually feel sorry for you now because it's embarrassing to watch
On topics like this, there isn't going to be inclusive opinions to one side. Normally, it can come down to the exclusive majority and the overall benefit of the forum. From what I have seen of this type of thank you system, is that it is highly 'configurable' (such as turning off noticable thank yous given, if you had read the post). Once the entire system is layed out, one can configure the options that would and would not work with a forum, and make more professionally appealing and plausable for the benefit of the forum.

No it's not, and I for one am thankful that Sean decided to do away with it if this is the sort of attention it drags out.

yeah, I read the dribble, but it *still* isn't what I was talking about. I don't think it is necessary to have some sort of recognition by the masses. I simply liked the ability to comment privately to someone about a specific post and have a link directly to that post. It was just faster than trying to PM a person and with some settings impossible to do so.

but I'd rather not be able to than to have that.

That is why I chose to have a negative bar. I couldn't give anyone rep points, but I could comment.
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I would be more concerned with people with high post counts giving misleading advice than with people with high rep. You can hide/disable rep but you cannot hide or disable post count. I don't understand this irrational fear/paranoia of rep, unless someone is trying to turn a v-bulletin forum into a phpbb one. Perhaps you can also disable smilies, disable avatars, disable photo galleries and you will get there.

What a great combo, paranoia and hysteria. :yelrotflmao:
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