Relationship Advice

Marriage is a vow between two people! It takes two to have a good marriage, the vow just shows the two of you are commited. Without the marriage vow you are free to have another. If I live with my mate, I want the vow. I have been married to the same guy for 42 years now. We still have "ups" and "downs". It will always be that way, because we are two different people, but the love is still there.

Good Luck to you and yours!

PS I don't know where that piece of paper is, lol.
Just so everyone is aware, we are now engaged :)
What's the big deal about getting married?

Not wanting to be a smartarse or anything, I am really trying to understand.

To me, like the some of the other posters, a marriage certificate is a piece of paper that says absolutely nothing. Why is it so important?

It doesn't give you any guarantees, a marriage can break up just as easily as a relationship without the piece of paper. And if one of the parties got heckled into getting married, then that's a recipe for disaster.

For the record, yes, I am married. I got married in a private ceremony without anybody there but the witnesses. And I could have even done without that. We got married because it made things easier for us when it came to my stepson and our finances. If that hadn't been a problem, we wouldn't have married.

What for? I don't need a piece of paper to remind me to have a good relationship. So I'm trying to get my head around why some people are so dead set on getting married.