Regarding banning people with links in their signatures.

I didn't think this site allowed you to put clicky links in your sigs? You can't do any html in sigs.
Regular users can't have links, but mods and up can.

And, just to help clarify (being very rundundant). Links in posts are fine .... AS LONG AS it's not something that is done regularly (or set of sites), as it will look like you are really only on here to promote your own site.

To help explain:
- the domain, is the highest ranked fitness site on the web
- we have a PageRank on Google of 6
- we have 2,000 active users and 3,000+ unique visitors / day to this forum

... each one of these points makes it very attractive for people to try and gain traffic and get higher listings in google (= higher traffic). Some try obvious SPAM techniques, while many are getting smarter and posting "quality" posts to avoid this. So, to curb this from getting out of hand, I have enforced some very strict rules.

If you think your linking scheme might come into question, just don't make the URL a link ... if someone is really interested, then they will copy/paste the URL into the browser.
Regular users can't have links, but mods and up can.

And, just to help clarify (being very rundundant). Links in posts are fine .... AS LONG AS it's not something that is done regularly (or set of sites), as it will look like you are really only on here to promote your own site.

To help explain:
- the domain, is the highest ranked fitness site on the web
- we have a PageRank on Google of 6
- we have 2,000 active users and 3,000+ unique visitors / day to this forum

... each one of these points makes it very attractive for people to try and gain traffic and get higher listings in google (= higher traffic). Some try obvious SPAM techniques, while many are getting smarter and posting "quality" posts to avoid this. So, to curb this from getting out of hand, I have enforced some very strict rules.

If you think your linking scheme might come into question, just don't make the URL a link ... if someone is really interested, then they will copy/paste the URL into the browser.

finally someone explains it with some sense. :cool: