Recommend me movies please.

Discus_girl said:
Boondock Saints. Great movie.

Agreed that was a great movie. Some of my favorites

Dazed and Confused
Super Troopers
Booty Call
How High
Friday and Next Friday
Joe Dirt
Walking Tall
Lord of the Flies

Leip the Life Aquatic was one of the worst movies Ive ever seen.
tonymcclellan said:
Agreed that was a great movie. Some of my favorites
Leip the Life Aquatic was one of the worst movies Ive ever seen.

Yeah you know people either love Wes Andersons movies or they hate them. I haven't found much middle ground with them. I just like his style of filming.
^All those Click just mentioned are personal faves.

Y Tu Mama Tambiene is class, about jsut accepting fate and pushing on.

Picked up a film called Running Scared ex-rental for £1.99 last weekend. I was blown away by as I was expecting it be pretty poor once I saw Paul Walker was the lead. Turned out to be good really. One seriously creepy ****ed up peadophile scene though...

And if you like fighting, Ong Bak.

If you like violence, Ichi The Killer, Battle Royale.

Can't go wrong with early Tarantino either really, just don't watch Jackie Brown. Damn, I nearly fell asleep typing it...
if anyone uses netflix, PM me if you want to add me to your buddy list.
I have over 1,500 titles rated and about 240 movies in my queue. Everything I"ve watched since starting netflix in Feb 2006, I've written short 'friend' reviews for.
Yeah you know people either love Wes Andersons movies or they hate them. I haven't found much middle ground with them. I just like his style of filming.

The Life Aquatic was one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm wearing a red beanie right NOW, son!
Walking Tall

Get in a box!!!! Thats a rubbish film!!!
"The Rock" - I would like to replace one of the letters with a "C".

here are a few of my faves.

Lock stock - snatch - Dead mans shoes - Underworld - The stand - All the little animals - Lost boys - Hudson Hawk - Interview with a vampire - Mr Deeds - matchstick men - dragon - whole nine yards/whole ten yards - rainman - the colour of money - cocktail - Fear and loathing in L.V. - American psyco - magnolia.

If your stuck for films go to
its the international movie database. Just type in a film you like - look who is in it - click on them - and you can see all the other films they have been in.
apparently not to the British ;)

I JUST watched Walking Tall btw...and thought it was good. Not amazing, but not too shabby at all.
There were some good scenes, but that was only due to the director. The rock needs shooting!

I just really hate that cheesy grin!!!!

You can all get in a big box!!!!!!!!
Can mods ban other mods for telling them to F off?
