Reasons to loose the bulk

so i can go into any store and buy clothes!!!:rolleyes: :D

same. i'd probs pass on the female cloting stores though.
Reasons why I lost the bulk

1) Health. At 250 lbs and with diabetes and colon cancer in the family I was already high risk...
2) Fitness. I missed being about to climb a flight of stairs without sweating.
3) Confidence.
So that the outside will reflect the inside.

Everyone is beautiful and its sad when no one else can see that under all that weight.
I go camping a lot - last year I spent a good month and a half of the year sleeping my tent.

About a year ago, I was camping in Anza Borrego and went on a hike through some slot canyons.

Even after taking my back pack off - I was concerned I wouldn't fit through some of the slots.

As it was, I still have the belt I wore that day, it's all scratched up. I plan on keeping that belt for a long time - it's a reminder that even though I "thought" I could keep up, regardless of my weight, I was deluding myself.

How embarassing it would have been to have some hunk of a fireman come out and unstick the stuck fat woman out in the canyons.

I'll be going again this March - I'm looking forward to it :D
now the firemen are going to be going to check out the hot woman running circles around her family :D they won't be able to keep up :D
To be able to get UP the hills on my bike.
So I dont have to pant going up stairs or minor hills walking
So i can walk without pain (Had heel spurs - damage to foot muscles from excess weight)
So my family are proud of me
So i can buy clothes at ANY store (I had to repeat that, its huge!)
So i can be sexy for my husband
So i dont die early and horribly - i want to see my kids grow up.
So i can donate my kidney to my older brother and thus saving 2 lives (both mine and his).
i have a thing for firemen - i'm waiting to the point where ginger kitty will let m e pick her up and put her into my silk ficus tree -then i can call the fire department and have them come rescue her fromthe tree :D I would be very grateful... :bats eyelashes:

Oh yeah - i suppose i should stop derailing threads in my drug induced euphoria...

reasons - reasons..
to be able to run up two flights of stairs to the train rather than walk up and wait 15 minutes for the next train (or i suppose i could just work on leaving the office earlier)

i don't wanna look old... even though i am...

to be able to walk into victorias secret and have lingerie that fits...

if i do have the shoulder surgery, to not have to worry about the anesthesia thing... (well, at your weight, it's dangerous to put you under)

to NOT get that - what is she doing here -- look when i walk into the gym.
Oh yeah - i suppose i should stop derailing threads in my drug induced euphoria...

Somedays - it's just hard to stay focused.
Especially when we're talking firemen ;)

i don't wanna look old... even though i am...

ditto that

to be able to walk into victorias secret and have lingerie that fits...

ditto that

Last year for my birthday, someone gave me a V.S. gift card, all I could think of, was they hadn't been in there recently - there certainly wasn't anything I could buy except body lotion!

The card is still in my wallet - one day - I WILL go in there :D

if i do have the shoulder surgery, to not have to worry about the anesthesia thing... (well, at your weight, it's dangerous to put you under)

That sounds scary :(

to NOT get that - what is she doing here -- look when i walk into the gym.

I haven't been in a gym in oh, 16 years or so - that look is pretty off settling to say the least :\

The cool thing is Mal, you're DOING it :)
Every day!
To be able to walk on a beach with your friends without feeling like the ugly (fat) duckling :)

And the ablility to shop in every store you enter sounds nice too :p
- to stay healthy as i age
- to feel good about myself
- to be able to shop in "normal" stores
- to feel less inhibited with my boyfriend
- to set a good example for my family members who have weight problems
- to be able to participate in activities that i don't know because of my weight (snowboarding, swimming, rollerblading, etc.)
- to be able to buy the first pair of shorts i've bought in 10 years
- to be able to wear those shorts without worrying that i look horrendous
- to know what it's like to feel beautiful
- to not have to worry about my big butt being too small for chairs at restaurants (in chairs that are made with 120lb models in mind)
- to be able to wear a sports bra to the gym and not feel self conscious
- to rid myself of the only thing i don't like about myself
LOL college desks try having a confrense with my sons kindergarden
teacher and she says have a seat and the chairs are so short and tiny
so I ask will you sure it will hold lol!

Haha that brings back memories! I got stuck in one of those damn chairs once!! So dont feel too
im such a dumbass, i posted twice in this thread and repeated myself *G*

All i can say is that it was morning, i hadnt had my coffee :O
hahahaha Yeah, im not sure which was dumber - posting it twice, or telling everyone i did it :D