I shared this with another group of people that are trying to quit…thought I’d share it here as well.
It is a well-known fact that smoking interferes with our fitness. It does this in a number of ways, mainly by reducing the amount of oxygen available in the body.
I'm sure you are all aware of this, but I'm gonna post it anyhow-lol!
A couple of the major effects of smoking on the body's respiratory and circulatory system include…..
>High levels of carbon monoxide from smoking, reduce the amount of oxygen absorbed into the blood from the lungs.
>Carbon monoxide in the blood also reduces the amount of oxygen that is released from the blood into the muscles.
>Smoking increases the heart rate for a given level of exercise.
I’m sure there are more effects, but I cannot remember to name them all! LOL!
Studies have shown that smoking reduces physical endurance and affects the physical performance in smokers compared with non-smokers and that smoking increases fatigue both during and after exercise.
I also read a while ago, that research shows cigarette smoking may damage cells in the testes - the cells that synthesize testosterone.
Testosterone levels within the body govern the muscle growth process from training. Therefore, smoking may hinder optimal testosterone production and interfer with the body’s capacity to build muscle.
Also…the nicotine in cigarettes leads to insulin resistance, making nutrient transport into muscles and other tissues more difficult.
These effects that smoking has on the body is just crazy!! This is exactly what encouraged me to quit.
I felt that the psychological addiction seemed to continue for a longer time.
The "strong" withdrawl symptoms that some people experience, significantly decrease in frequency after the last "dose". So EVEN ONE cigarette may cause the withdrawl process to start from the beginning.
I quit smoking about 6 years ago!! Best thing I ever done for myself!!
Very hard habit to kick, but I did it and will never take another draw!!!
If you really want to give this habit a kick, you will. As I just said, the phychological addiction is the most lingering.
I quit cold turkey. The first week was the hardest for me, but I did not give in--I'm stubborn like that--lol
Best of luck to you all!