Pushup variations

Ah but see, you can still learn the skills and gain the hypertrophy benefits, you just don't have to be pro.

You CAN have the best of both worlds. If your kids are in gymnastics and they learn how to do all kinds of cool ****, they will probably retain it for quite a while. It's just whether or not genetics dealt them the right card later on in life...

This is coming from the guy who never took gymnastics and wished his parents forced it on him.
First chink in the chick magnet armor. Great gymnasts are short. Chick magnets are tall.

In chick world tall > ripped.:D

Lol, I wouldn't be too sure, that guy Sporticus is tiny and apparently millions of women around the world make their kids watch it just 'cos he's on it.
However, if he was tall and ripped he'd probably be doing movies instead of kids programs :D