Pushup variations

For those of you who don't have kids under 10 this'll probably mean nothing to you but I was watching Lazy Town with my daughter at the weekend and saw Sporticus do this great pushup routine and I was wondering if any of you know if this is actually effective or just looks flashy.

The episode is too new to find a copy of the clip but I've found one of him doing a shorter routing that contains some of the flashy bits.

First of all, the bit where he goes back onto his forearm/elbow and then back up, does that work anything?

Also, in the clip I saw at the weekend he started by clipping his hands inbetween pushups which is easy enough but then he started clapping his hands behind his back! :eek: Now surely that's just showing off (although I'd love to know how many kids around the world have landed face first into the floor trying to copy him :D )
I don't have the answers to your questions, but I have watched Lazy Town with my daughter a few times. That clip is fascinating especially the push, spin, push up part at the end. He makes it look so easy. (although I'd love to know how many adults around the world have landed face first into the floor trying to copy him :D ) How many times have you tried it CCR? ;)
I don't have the answers to your questions, but I have watched Lazy Town with my daughter a few times. That clip is fascinating especially the push, spin, push up part at the end. He makes it look so easy. (although I'd love to know how many adults around the world have landed face first into the floor trying to copy him :D ) How many times have you tried it CCR? ;)

Lol, none yet, I need to get the house to myself first :D I doubt I'll be that successful with clapping behind my back though, I have trouble clapping behind my back even when standing up!

The guy is a great gymnast so a lot of that comes easy to him, I always wanted to do gymnastics at school (not gay btw :rolleyes: ) but facilities like that are rare in UK schools.
Also, in the clip I saw at the weekend he started by clipping his hands inbetween pushups which is easy enough but then he started clapping his hands behind his back! :eek: Now surely that's just showing off (although I'd love to know how many kids around the world have landed face first into the floor trying to copy him :D )

Guilty lol
that guy was cool in a wierd way
i wonder what he is like in real life

anyways, i dont believe going down on his elbow like that really works anything....iv seen a lot of pushup variations; he just made them look fun and cool :D
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Gymnastics is the most baller **** ever.

If you take gymnastics as a kid, you will grow up to be awesome, guaranteed. The only reason people seem to think it's gay is because you wear tights and the female version is well...girly. But have you seen the physiques of the olympic gymnasts? If that doesn't get chicks throwing themselves at you, then the skills will.

Get your kid into gymnastics now.
Just to clarify, as there appears to be a bit of confusion, I don't think gymnastics is gay or only has gay fans. I made the joke about being a gymnastics fan but not being gay because of the common perception that it is a 'gay' sport.

And thank you Proteinboy, I think you're right, the elbow bits are probably just thrown in to make them look cool and fun
Nah, it's just that if you get to tall, you automatically fail to be a potential pro. Tall gymnasts don't have short enough limbs for flying and twisting around at the magnitude that they want.
Sorry but, this little blog was really funny. You guys are hilarious from the kids show to people falling on thier face, to being gay if your a gymnist. Can I suggest put your Kids in sychronize swimming, it's amazing good teammen ship and the hardest sprot you can do :)
Nah, it's just that if you get to tall, you automatically fail to be a potential pro. Tall gymnasts don't have short enough limbs for flying and twisting around at the magnitude that they want.

First chink in the chick magnet armor. Great gymnasts are short. Chick magnets are tall.

In chick world tall > ripped.:D