For those of you who don't have kids under 10 this'll probably mean nothing to you but I was watching Lazy Town with my daughter at the weekend and saw Sporticus do this great pushup routine and I was wondering if any of you know if this is actually effective or just looks flashy.
The episode is too new to find a copy of the clip but I've found one of him doing a shorter routing that contains some of the flashy bits.
First of all, the bit where he goes back onto his forearm/elbow and then back up, does that work anything?
Also, in the clip I saw at the weekend he started by clipping his hands inbetween pushups which is easy enough but then he started clapping his hands behind his back!
Now surely that's just showing off (although I'd love to know how many kids around the world have landed face first into the floor trying to copy him
The episode is too new to find a copy of the clip but I've found one of him doing a shorter routing that contains some of the flashy bits.
First of all, the bit where he goes back onto his forearm/elbow and then back up, does that work anything?
Also, in the clip I saw at the weekend he started by clipping his hands inbetween pushups which is easy enough but then he started clapping his hands behind his back!