Weight-Loss Pushup Challenge



Sport and Exercise Coach
Staff member
Athis challenge is to see how high we can get a cumulative pushup total for the whole forum. So if I was to do 20 pushups and the next person in the thread does another 10 then the forum total would become 30, so each person in the thread should post the number of pushups completed and the new cumulative total.

so to start this off

Completed 25 pushups

Forum Total: 25 pushups
ACompleted 30 pushups

Forum Total: 55

Anybody else going to join in ????
ACompleted 60 pushups

Forum Total: 115 pushups (anybody else going to add to this total ??????)
Hey Trusvyler, I saw this on your reply to Munch. I just started my own self improvement on pushups.

Today, completed 10 pushups:

Forum Total = 125
I'm totally getting in on this! I'm starting out slowly with 5 perfect form and depth pushups. :) Great idea Trusylver!

Forum Total: 133 pushups
Aadd another 5 clap pushups

Forum Total: 150 pushups

anybody else ready to joun the challenge ??
I'm new to this site and I just saw your thread! I personally like this idea because I served in the military for 6 years, and pushups were the one exercise that I actually didn't mind doing. The last Army Physical Fitness test that I took, which was almost 10 years ago, I scored 93 pushups in 2 minutes. As I sit here today, I don't think I have done 50 pushups in the last 10 years! You have inspired me to start again! As a means of accountability, I'll try to post my count at the end of every week. I hope we get more people interested in this!
20 pushups

Group Total:777
20 girlie pushups

142 pushups so far

Group Total: 877