PUI. Posting under influence..

21 in the US. However, the Legislature has proposed a bill to lower the drinking age to 18; it seems to be gaining some popularity, and there's actually a chance it might get passed.

Karks...I drank a bunch of mead last night while gaming in celebration of you having a drink. I should've waited until this morning since now I've got to go sit through 8-9 hours of "rah-rah we're back at school" meetings today.
China has no drinking age.

I visited just last year and I was 14, I was given beer and **** all over the place. You know all you can eat buffets? Well in China, beer is part of the buffet Unfortunately my paretns were all "no david, drinking is bad" but my uncle was like "whaat? If you don't let him drink he'll be a puss" This is a general translation from Chinese into english btw.