Sport Protein shakes

Sport Fitness
I'm looking to lose fat and gain muscle mass.
I was wondering, if I were to drink a protein shake 5 days a week for lunch, then work out in the afternoon, if it would be beneficial to my goals.
Can anyone help me?:confused:
Depends on your stats, menu, workout routine and goals. A protein shake is okay so long as the rest of your menu and fitness program is on track.
Yes, what Lynn is saying is there is a lot more that goes into it. What you mentioned is a VERY small part of the equation for success. I would also foucs on one thing at a time, either fat loss or muscle gain.
okay. well what if i followed this diet here?
fruit salad and soy milk for breakfast. (i already eat this everyday anyway)
chocolate protein shake for lunch with maybe a banana in the mixture.
almonds+cashews or melon as a snack.
protein from a meat source like chicken or turkey with 2 vegetables (like broccoli, beans, spinach, etc)

as for my workout regimen:
i would do some pilates in the morning or evening.
and go to the gym in the afternoon to do a mixture of cardio and weight training.

i am 5'4" and weigh 125. i know i'm fine but i'm unhappy with a recent 10-15 lb weight gain that happened very quickly.
In going by your diet you posted, it doesn't appear as though you are eating enough calories. I would include another snack during the day between breakfast and lunch, (be sure it includes a protein and carb). Are you drinking enough water ? Also, your workout you listed is a bit confusing ...are you working out everyday ??
yeah i think i might include another snack...
yes, i drink a lot of water. people think i'm diabetic because i drink so much.
as for the workout, i don't really have a specific routine. it's just generally weight training for the bottom half of my body, then cardio on the elliptical or treadmill. i'm planning to work out 4-5 days a week.
you need a focus weight training routine to go along with your cardio. The little here and there and completely ignoring the upper half of your body isn't going to do you much good. A 3 day a week full body strength train should be something you shoot for. And the best times to drink those protein shakes on your strength training days is after your workout as it provides the fuel for your muscles to grow/repair.
I dont think its a good idea to have protein shakes as a meal replacement. You should stick to regular meals and have protein shakes after your workouts.
Your breakfast also needs a protein source, try some egg whites on whole wheat toast. You need to eat to lose weight (sounds crazy). Log on to and see how many calories you're eating on a regular day with that example you gave. Bet it will come out under 1100, and you need to eat many more than that if you plan on exercising 5 days a week.
protein shakes with fruit or oatmeal make a better snack than a full meal, cuz 8 oz of liquid protein just isn't filling.
If you're goal (as stated in the first post of this thread) is to gain muscle and lose need to eat a caloric surplus. 5-6 meals with each meal being a protein and a carb. One of those meals can be a protein shake (preferably the meal after your workout).

To figure out how many calories each meal needs to be... you need to figure out how many calories you need per day to MAINTAIN your current weight. to figure that out (note-calculators are estimates).

Now to add muscle- increase the number by 200 calories or so. To lose fat decrease that amount by 250-500 calories per day (it depends on your weight). If you have 15+ pounds of fat to lose... focus on a calorie decrease. If you have 10 pounds or less to lose... focus on building muscle (caloric surplus).
Thanks! Let's say I make the protein shake at 11am with soy milk and a banana in the mixture, and put it in a thermos, will it be okay to drink at let's say 3pm?
citylights said:
eep. i'm scared. lol. maybe i'll just use water and a banana. i have a hard time trusting the soy milk. lol
My mom used to drink soy milk to maintain hotflashes, and I decided to try some in my cereal a while back....

It took some getting used to, but after a while it tastes good.
protein good or bad sign

Hello all i am trying to gain muscles and it seems a bit hard but i am starting to see results but only shaping after every workout i have a protein shake and after at most 3-4 hours i have to go to toilet to get it out wattery liquid any suggestions if this is a good or bad sign is the protein being absorbed in the body or in the toilet thanks a lot.
So you're drinking a protein shake and then having diarrhea? Try a different shake and see what happens. Diarrhea is not a good sign and it usually means your body doesn't agree with something.