Weight-Loss Protein Shakes.... eh.. bad for me?

this is true

It's so difficult to bulk up. Especially for women. Don't worry. 2 of my 6 meals every day are a protein shake with over 20 grams of protein per shot, and I don't look bulky and muscular at all. I wish!

I can attest to this, because I have a male friend we'll call him "John" who tried desperately to add weight to his skinny frame. He gained 8 pounds, total, over several years of weight lifting and protein eating and all that stuff. Of course, men and womens bodies are different, but I've heard that too tough for women to bulk up unless you are like a body builder who is trying to. Ok well I'm no expert on protein shakes so I"m gonna go back to what I know...my little diary. bye. :leaving:
I use water, frozen strawberries and frozen blueberries with 2 scoops of protein powder. Sometimes I add a tablespoon of natural peanut butter - without hydrogenated fats or a couple of tablespoons of cooked, refrigerated steel cut oats or a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese for flavor/texture variety.
What about all the Cholesterol in the whey? Aint that bad for ya?
For years studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has much less effect on serum cholesterol than was previously believed. In other words, eating foods high in cholesterol is not as bad as we were told in the past. It's more the saturated fats that cause serum cholesterol issues.

But aside from that I'm not sure what you mean by "all the cholesterol". The RDA for cholesterol is to eat less than 200mg per day and the three brands of protein powder I use on a regular basis all have 5mg or less of cholesterol per serving. The only one I have in the house right now that's higher than that is Body Fortress and that's 28mg of cholesterol per serving. That's hardly a lot, even if you're taking 2 or more scoops each day.
I can't stand EAS - tried it once and it made me gag. ;)

But even so, again, dietary cholesterol is not the evil baddie that they used to say it was. As with anything ... you have to see what's in the products you choose and make your own decisions.
Steve got me to try Syntrax brand and so far I've liked every flavor from them that I've tried. Like being relative, you understand - none of it is gourmet, but I can mix the Syntrax flavors in water and they're not too bad.

I do ok with the Body Fortress brand as well, but I prefer to mix it with milk or juice because it's got more of a chalkier flavor. As soon as I finish this little bit I've got left, I'll probably keep buying the Syntrax and ditch the BF.
You could always try a fruit smoothie for a meal replacement instead of the protein shake although I really don't think one protein shake with each meal is going to make you get "huge". It's actually good for you and can help give you more energy.

I found a GREAT smoothie recipe that I've been using as a meal replacement for dinner. It calls for 1 frozen banana cut up into chunks, 1/4 c. frozen blueberries, 1/2 tbsp of honey (optional), 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract (optional), and 1/2 cup of juice. The recipe actually calls for orange juice, but most of the reviewers have used either other types of juice or vanilla soy milk. Personally I've been using just fat free skim milk and it tastes great. Many also substituted the blueberries with raspberries, although I myself have not tried it that way yet.