Sport protein intake

Sport Fitness
Oh really, there are numerous studies that show too much protein is bad.

There is especially a strong correlation with animal protein and cancer.
I keep hearing that excessive protein intake can cause kidney damage over time because it's the kidneys that break it down and process it. I don't know how true that is so you might want to ask your doctor about it.

I aim for the 1gram/pound rule of thumb and I've been getting good results.

1gram/pound of protein is fine, and thats what most people generally aim for.
I agree with the Almighty and Powerful Phate (or around the .08 to 1.0), when one is on a more quote "traditional" unquote diet approach.

However, there may be a time within one's goal that manipulating the mighty nutrients (say lowering or eliminating carbs), that a "short duration" of higher consumption of protein and fats can be beneficial to ones' goal quest.

Which would "generally" bring it above the .08 to 1 gram per pound of body weight. And, in this sort of environment, one needs to pay attention to Protein intake because of the biological processes taking place to use protein as a source of fuel, and it needs to be somewhat higher to compensate and thwart off or attempt to limit muscle loss. Many have done this with great success---when the time was correct within their goal path (say for dropping water and lowering carbs for a diuretic effect, etc), and are healthy individuals (as far as I know :) ).

We have to remember, that though our bodies are the same, the biological processes "can be" different from one person to the next. One person eating like crap all their life can live to a rip old age, while one being healthy and fitness sensitive can die younger (and of course visa versa). It boils down to how our bodies tolerate and process the things we do it.




Best wishes,

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Yeah i agree there are times your should eat more, escpecially to limit muscle loss due to dieting. Even though someone who has bad habits might live longer, there functionality will often be a lot worse which is whats most important at that age.

There's absolutely no evidence to suggest 1gram per pound. Until there is, your wrong. At the end of the day if someone claims something like black holes exist, you naturally have to provide evidence otherwise they'll think your a nut.

If people want to deny the facts and go with unsupported facts thats fine, but don't expect rational people like me to take your anecdotal opinions seriously.

sorry ;)

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ok now I'm more cofussed :D

How much protein are you currently taking?
Just stick to 1gram/per pound like people have been for a long time and you'll be fine with it.

People have been experiencing good results with atleast 1 gram/per pound of protein, and for me experience is all that matters. You can ask any experienced lifter, or anyone that has competed or made great gains and they will all tell you the same thing.

Or you can listen to so called skinny unfit science "experts" that don't lift.

Your choice! ;)
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Heres T-Nation's take on protein intake :

How Much Protein?

Q: Is the old "gram of protein per pound of body weight" rule still good? I hear some coaches say we need less and some recommend 300 grams a day for a 200 pounder.

A: For a 200-pound lean male, 300 grams of protein per day would be the minimum. In fact, I think the rule should be closer to 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, assuming the person is lean.

For about 70% of the population who isn't carb tolerant, 2 grams per pound is good for mass gains. It can make a huge difference. Personally, I couldn't get above 192 pounds until bodybuilder Milos Sarcev convinced me to get 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. In no time I was up to 205, lean.

Now, if a person is carb tolerant (he handles carbohydrates very well), that value would drop to 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Someone like Christian Thibaudeau, who's not carb tolerant, should be getting 2 grams of protein per pound, but a guy like Milos Sarcev, who can wake up and drink a gallon mixture of 50% maple syrup and 50% dextrose without it affecting his blood sugar, I'd say 1 to 1.5 grams. Rare guys like Milos need to eat 70% of their calories from carbs.
Oh man i don't know whether to laugh or cry. Your not a very smart person are you Phate ;p ?

'It can make a huge difference'
'300 grams of protein per day would be the minimum'

Is he going to back up his statements? i guess not, pretty typical though. I suppose the multi-billion protein industry will be happy with those comments. Would you be suprised Phate if he was influenced by them? (paid, incentives etc). Or maybe his just foolish and buys into them.
For a 200-pound lean male, 300 grams of protein per day would be the minimum

Hmm, will I listen to some science geek...or will I listen to Charles Poliquin one of the most famous gold medalist strength coaches.

Jeez, such a hard choice.

Like I said OP, do your own research and come up with your own ideas. But don't listen to people on here that don't lift and talk out of their and just reigurgitate **** they read out of a book.

Waterbury recommends 1 gram of protein/per lb, while people like Poliquinn recommend 2grams. You wont find many coaches who will tell you that you can make your best gains eating .6-.8grams of protein

Sorry Matt, I'm not going to give you the pleasure of a debate, because you have no experience when it comes to this, just book smarts.
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Just to throw out a statistic: the 1:1 plan everyone here touts worked for me.

In March I was a blithering ****** who ate like crap and never exercised. I weighed 250 lbs. and was over 25% body fat

I started lifting weights 4 times a week AND doing cardio at least 3 times per week, all while cutting carbs and eliminating processed foods. I aimed for around 2900 calories on my workout days and 2500 calories on my off days. I made sure every day I got 250g protein.

Now I am 200 lbs. and at 17% body fat. I have had tremendous strength, speed, and endurance gains.

1:1 worked for me.