Pro-Lifers, Pro-Choicers, etc


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It was announced today that Palin's 17 yr old daughter is pregnant. It's also a fact that Palin has a five month old baby with down syndrome. So I'm watching the news today and I'm just a little confused. Teen pregnancy isn't new. I knew people who had babies in junior high, high school, etc. And being ashamed of having a special needs child is definitely a thing of the past, unless you live in a self-centered world and can't get over yourself.

I'm pro-choice. I think women AND men should have the right to make decisions about their bodies. And really my post isn't about what you believe. My quandry is directed at the fact that I'm watching tv and everyone is just SOOO proud that this family isn't "killing the [unborn] baby" and Gov. Palin herself didn't abort a child with down syndrome. Do pro-lifers really think that the main objective to upholding Roe vs. Wade is to eradicate teen and special pregnancy? The principle, again, is to give a woman the right to make a private choice about her body. And I was under the impression that that was universally understood. But I see people on tv reacting as though if this was a Democrat with a pregnant teen or a down syndrome child that it would be getting the axe no matter what, and yet the only people I've ever known to get abortions were Catholic girls who didn't want their parents to know that they'd been having sex before marriage (that's just who I know, not to be confused with the story/characteristic of every woman to ever have an abortion).

So that's my question. Is the general impression that Pro-Choice people would automatically abort special or teen pregnancy?

The only problem I see with this story is that they announced that her daughter will marry the baby's father and I question if that will be a good family decision in the long run for the mother, father and baby-to-be.
It's one thing to become pregnant when you're a teenager living with a family in poverty or trying to support yourself on your own and it's quite another thing to get pregnant and have the support of your parents who are quite well to do. It's a lot easier making a pro-life choice when you know you'll have the resources available to you that you'll need to give that child some kind of quality of life.

I know that doesn't have anything to do with your original argument, but that's just my opinion about Palin's daughter in particular.
I think it is mostly just the media making a big to-do over nothing. I am pro-life and I don't feel that way about pro-choicers.

I'm a unique sort of pro-lifer though. I'm ok with morning after etc. To me a heart beat=life. Most fetus's get a heartbeat at around 6 weeks.
I think it's a very wonderful thing that she is a teen that didn't think her life would be interupted by a baby. In this day and age when so many choose abortion because the "Time isn't right" I very much agree with those who think it's soooooo wonderful that she is having the baby.
I feel the same way about Mrs. Palin. There are many women who don't have half the career Mrs. Palin has and would abort a Down Syndrome child in an instant.

As for thinking that all Democrats would abort for those
reasons... Nope not at all. I am a Democrat

I don't see anything special in the whole thing to be honest, and find it a waste of time to put it in the media. A child with down-syndrom is hardly a big deal (I have a mentally disabled stepson, and believe me, I would give my soul to change it into 'just' down-syndrom), and getting her 17 year old to have the kid and get married is entirely their decision. Of course they're depriving her of a good part of her life, but again, that's something they'll have to deal with on their own.

For me, what a woman does with her body is entirely up to her, and nobody else should be allowed to stick their noses in. Not the so-called 'Pro-Lifers', nor the church or the government. It's their body, their life, their decision. Period.

And no, I don't think pro-choicers would automatically abort a teen pregnancy, or even a pregnancy with a disabled child. That's just ridiculous. Pro-Choice means to have the choice, and make a decision, based on your circumstances. Of course it's easy to make the choice for the kid when you have a buttful of money, and parents who can afford to get you a babysitter to look after the kid whenever you want to. But not everybody is in that position, let's face it, very few are.

If that girl had to work, was a single parent and had no parents that feed her with a silver spoon, then I can guarantee you she would have said 'To hell with Pro-Life, I can't do this'. And she would have been right.

And a little tidbit about disabled kids...I work a lot with disabled teenagers, and you know what I hear rather often? "I wish I had never been born, I would rather be dead than being like this." I've seen kids with no skin, kids that couldn't eat and were attached to feeding tubes 20 hours a day, and worse. I wonder if the 'pro-lifers' ever think about what they are doing to a kid when they know it's going to be disabled. They make a choice for themselves, not for the child.

As one of the kids I worked with once said to me "This isn't living, it's just existing. And exisiting just isn't enough."
I'm pro-choice and pregnant with my first child at age 36. While the chances I'll have a child with down's syndrome are increased b/c of my age, I have elected not to have the quad screening done. I'll just cross that bridge if I come to it. I've waited too long to have a baby to worry about that sort of thing. Besides that, those tests are not always accurate and I'd hate to abort a perfectly healthy fetus.

The reason I'm pro-choice is b/c I feel that each woman should have the right to choose. Things happen, life throws us curveballs. But I certainly don't think abortion should be used as the only method of birth control. There is no reason why any woman needs to have multiple abortions b/c she is too lazy to use birth control.
I think it was a bad judgment call on Palin to have it come out like this and subject her daughter to this crap. Maybe she should of had an interview regarding this. But nope nothing, just some crap in People magazine. That's the real issue to me, her judgment and so far in my eyes it's terrible.
And a little tidbit about disabled kids...I work a lot with disabled teenagers, and you know what I hear rather often? "I wish I had never been born, I would rather be dead than being like this." I've seen kids with no skin, kids that couldn't eat and were attached to feeding tubes 20 hours a day, and worse. I wonder if the 'pro-lifers' ever think about what they are doing to a kid when they know it's going to be disabled. They make a choice for themselves, not for the child.

As one of the kids I worked with once said to me "This isn't living, it's just existing. And exisiting just isn't enough."

Wow, I've worked with the disabled for the last ten years and while yes I have come across the few who are miserable there are so many who are well adjusted and for the most part very happy and content. I don't believe in the government making that decision for people so I guess that makes me pro-choice but as far as "pro-lifers" ever thinking about what they are doing to a kid when they know its going to be disabled I don't get that.

I've seen so many parents be told their child was going to be born with a disability only to see it born completely healthy. And how many parents would know their child is going to suffer JUST because they are disabled? You can't say parents are making a selfish decision based on an possibility. Very rarely do people know ahead of time that their child is going to be disabled at all, unless they're taking chances themselves with alcohol and/or drugs. That's a whole different problem altogether.
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I guess it depends on the kind of disability. I'm not saying every disabled person would rather be dead, far from it, I know people who are, as you said, quite happy and adjusted, hell, one of my best friends is disabled and he sees it as the best thing that ever happened to him, but there is an awful lot of kids out there who have conditions that can't be adjusted, and that make it impossible to be even reasonably happy. I also worked in a youth hospice for a while, with kids that were dying from either their disabilities, or aids. Most of them were born with it, and in most cases the mother knew she had it, and went ahead and had the kid regardless. And we're not just talking about drug addicts and stuff like that.

True, not every disability can be predicted, but a lot can, and quite precisely nowadays, especially with the more complex disabilites. To decide to have that kid regardless of knowing that, is, as far as I am concerned, indeed a selfish decision. But then again, maybe I watched too many kids and teenagers die slow, painful deaths to be objective about the topic.

What it all comes down to though is that everybody should have a choice to abort a pregnancy if necessary, without having to justify herself, or be treated like a leper afterwards.
That said, I whole heartedly agree though...if a woman abuses the system just because she can't be bothered to use birth control, that's not acceptable. My suggestion would be that if a woman had an abortion, and comes back for another one shortly afterwards, she should just be sterilized, and the problem is solved. If you have a valid reason for an abortion, then you'll damn well make sure that it doesn't happen again. If it happens again, it's a clear sign that she just doesn't give a damn.
There's a hypocrite for you!!

Guess what I found today? An article in a newspaper about the oh-so-great Mrs. Palin. Apparently this woman, who is so happy with the pregancy of her 17 year old daughter, is cutting the funding for a programm that shelters and teaches troubled youths and especially young mothers, by over 20%, leaving them hardly able to function.

If I've ever seen a hypocrite, there is one. :(
What the hell! What a horrible thing for this Palin-chick to do to women :(. I dont even want to imagine what other fundings they will be cutting.

(by the way, I am pro-choice)
Guess what I found today? An article in a newspaper about the oh-so-great Mrs. Palin. Apparently this woman, who is so happy with the pregancy of her 17 year old daughter, is cutting the funding for a programm that shelters and teaches troubled youths and especially young mothers, by over 20%, leaving them hardly able to function.

If I've ever seen a hypocrite, there is one. :(

I agree that cutting funding for the toubled youth program is a bad thing..... but I don't see how that makes Mrs. Palin a hypocrite. Yes she is happy about her daughter's pregnancy and as far as I know her daughter isn't using public funds to support herself.... now if the daughter used the program and then her Mother cut funding... THEN she would be a hypocrite.

She's a hypocrite because she is publicly announcing that she supports her daughter in being a young mother, yet at the same time she cuts the funding for thousands of other young mothers, making it obvious that she doesn't give a damn. So apparently as long as it concerns *her* family, it is okay, but everybody else can go to hell for all she cares.

And no, she isn't using public funds to support herself. She is using her parent's money, of which a large part is funded by the tax payer. So, in the long run, she actually *is* using public funds, but that's a completely different point.....
I am pro life. I honestly dont know how mothers can even get abortions. I was on the fence about the issue when I became pregnant at 18. After I had my son I became very pro life. Now back at the topic at hand. Im sick of the media. Im really sick of US weekly thats for f-ing sure. Who cares if bristol is pregnant really. No one should care. All I want to know is what are you going to do if you become president. Thats I love how the us media swings things...You never hear anything like how Barack Obama's broke his promises to an African village. Oh wait yeah you do if you really search for it..can't just open a paper....
Well it is politics. I don't know the details but I doubt it was as simple as her just waking up one morning and deciding that the troubled youth didnt need an more money. You may know the details but I don't. I will say this though. People forget about what elected officials duties are. Numero uno is to represent the people who elected you. It isnt always about a personal issue or choice. Every politician is a hypocrite. It is impossible not to be.
I am pro-choice, however I would never abort my baby unless is had a medical condition that would leave it with only days to live, or would be born with so many complications it just would not be fair to the baby.

But saying that, I dont really know what I would do unless I was in the situation.
"Proof" that her "abstinence only programs" really do work huh? :rofl:

She's such a hypocrite. I'm pretty positive that abortion would be cut in half if people had the money she has to raise children with. She doesn't have a clue what it is like for the average working class citizen much less those in the lower income brackets. She is a clueless waste of space.

Enough with my rant.

I am pro-choice. But, I personally and morally don't believe in abortion for myself. I got pregnant at 18 and had my son at 19. Although, I was married - we were newly married and after paying for our wedding, pretty strapped for cash. But I would also like to believe that if I were ever raped, I would keep the child. But who knows until I'm in the shoes of another? I would never force my opinions on another. I understand and DO respect that everyone has different beliefs - unlike crazy medieval republicans. In fact, I refused the (forget the name) test when I was pregnant to find out whether or not anything was wrong with my son. I figured "I'd love him no matter what".

If Palin and McCain ruled the world, just imagine: A world without abortions, contraception or informative sexual education impossible to get for teenagers and if health care insurance no longer paid for birth control. Hell, imagine if birth control was banned - Palin would sure love that one. Foster care is already overflowing. The headlines of "baby found in dumpster", "baby dropped from 10 story building" would more than double. Child abuse would be unbelievable. Sorry. Anyone who agrees with those kind of living conditions for a child is insane.
"Proof" that her "abstinence only programs" really do work huh? :rofl:

She's such a hypocrite. I'm pretty positive that abortion would be cut in half if people had the money she has to raise children with. She doesn't have a clue what it is like for the average working class citizen much less those in the lower income brackets. She is a clueless waste of space.

Enough with my rant.

I am pro-choice. But, I personally and morally don't believe in abortion for myself. I got pregnant at 18 and had my son at 19. Although, I was married - we were newly married and after paying for our wedding, pretty strapped for cash. But I would also like to believe that if I were ever raped, I would keep the child. But who knows until I'm in the shoes of another? I would never force my opinions on another. I understand and DO respect that everyone has different beliefs - unlike crazy medieval republicans. In fact, I refused the (forget the name) test when I was pregnant to find out whether or not anything was wrong with my son. I figured "I'd love him no matter what".

If Palin and McCain ruled the world, just imagine: A world without abortions, contraception or informative sexual education impossible to get for teenagers and if health care insurance no longer paid for birth control. Hell, imagine if birth control was banned - Palin would sure love that one. Foster care is already overflowing. The headlines of "baby found in dumpster", "baby dropped from 10 story building" would more than double. Child abuse would be unbelievable. Sorry. Anyone who agrees with those kind of living conditions for a child is insane.

Cosign - whole paragraph.

There are those of us out there who enjoy sex but not kids.... Let us be! (speaking on contraception)
Pro choice means murder. Killing a human being. Doesn't matter what stage the baby is in, its murder. Ask any mother, ANY who at the time were thinking of having an abortion but chose not to. What a shame it would be that after ur kids grow up, to think that you actually once thought of killing them. Ohhhhh yeah I said it. ITS GONNA GET HEATED IN HERE cmon people
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