Poltical Correctness and Abuse Of The First Amendmant At It's Worse.


The idea behind abortion is horrible to me too, I think you are letting your anger towards abortion making you say stupid things :D

lol, I almost repped you for making me laugh

Just remember...there are more reasons for abortion than just the dumb girl that got knocked up at an early age and doesn't want to take responsibility for her actions.
Just remember...there are more reasons for abortion than just the dumb girl that got knocked up at an early age and doesn't want to take responsibility for her actions.

You bet there are. Like being raped for one. I'll be damned if I'm going to keep my rapists child in my uterus! I've already been defiled. I don't need his progeny growing inside my body.

And there is also medical abortion for a child that is so malformed it won't make it through to term. Medical abortion is much better than having a spontaneous abortion and risking the chance of bleeding to death.

Why did he blow it up though?
If nobody was inside I would gladly blow up an abortion clinic and I follow no religion.

Would you want your wife to carry her rapist's child? Would you actually want that reminder every day for 9 months?

Would you want your wife to bleed to death in the car because she spontaneously aborted at 6 months and you couldn't get her to the hospital in time?

Didn't think so ...
Because I'm not religious, at least in a traditional sense, people are often surprised that I'm against abortion. It's not about telling people what to do, I just think a fetus is a person....and no, I'm not interested in debating it.
You bet there are. Like being raped for one. I'll be damned if I'm going to keep my rapists child in my uterus! I've already been defiled. I don't need his progeny growing inside my body.

And there is also medical abortion for a child that is so malformed it won't make it through to term. Medical abortion is much better than having a spontaneous abortion and risking the chance of bleeding to death.

Would you want your wife to carry her rapist's child? Would you actually want that reminder every day for 9 months?

Would you want your wife to bleed to death in the car because she spontaneously aborted at 6 months and you couldn't get her to the hospital in time?

Didn't think so ...

I agree with you here. I think abortion should be available for women who have been raped or are victims of ongoing sexual abuse.

I personally have an issue with women who claim to have had an "accidental" pregnancy and wish to end it. There is no such thing as an accident when it comes to getting pregnant. Unless the woman was naked tripped and fell on a naked man and some of his genetic material managed to get inside of her, then that's an accident. No matter what form of birth control is being used, if any, there will always be a chance of pregnancy. Those who are having intercourse, protected or unprotected, are making the choice to potentially get themselves or their partners pregnant. Birth control failure should not be a viable reason to get an abortion. If you aren't financially or emotionally able to take care of a baby, the solution is simple. Don't perform sexual acts that could result in a pregnancy. This doesn't mean, "don't have sex". It means, "don't have intercourse". It's actually fairly easy to do unless you are being coerced or forced. In that case, it's rape...

I would say I am pro choice. But I'm also pro responsible choice. Women can make the chioce to abstain from elective procreative acts if they do not wish to get pregnant. I do not agree with taking away anyone's the right to get an abortion, but I do support education that will reduce unnecessary abortion rates.

Bombing abortion clinics doesn't make a good point at all. It's a violent act, like rape. If we want to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies, it's simple. It starts with education, both at home and at school.
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Because I'm not religious, at least in a traditional sense, people are often surprised that I'm against abortion. It's not about telling people what to do, I just think a fetus is a person....and no, I'm not interested in debating it.

Believe it or not, so do I. It's a very contentious subject and because I'm female, I have conflicting issues with it. I don't want to kill an innocent human being. But I also wouldn't want to suffer needlessly if I was raped. I'm not debating, either. I just brought a couple of examples to the table.

BTW, medical abortion is performed all the time if there is something wrong going on with the fetus. And it's much, much safer than having a woman spontaneously abort (aka miscarriage).
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