Poltical Correctness and Abuse Of The First Amendmant At It's Worse.

Now look I don't like having to say One Nation Under God in the pledge of the Allegiance because I'm not christian because I honor the ways of Asatru. In other words I don't like feeling the need to have to believe in the same God as everyone else.

I also think that congress does conspire to put alot of innocent men and women of every, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, orientation etc in jail and discriminate against. Oh and if anyone supports gay marriage, women's rights, the first amendmant, and what not more then anyone it's me.

I may not be the most tolerant, but I try. However there is a fine line between politically correct, tolerant, or whatever the hell you want to call it, and just having no life to the point where that you have to rob children of having a childhood and just having no standards and decency.

Also there is a fine line between freedom of speech and doing whatever you please and just plain irrespondsiblity as well as foolishness. I think all of us here know that Ice Cream literally does taste better then Spinach. However what's more important a few seconds, or in some cases minutes, of satisfaction by chewing or health that will last you the rest of your life. Unfortunatly not even I always live up to my own words, but I at least try. That's what we all do is try. Sure no one's perfect, but a good few of us who educated ourselves well and give it our all are close. In other words no one's perfect. Plain and simple just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Now we can argue politics, religion, philosophy, economics, finances, or whatever the hell you want to agrue about all day long. However I feel the need to vent here in a safe way. I do not plan to offend anyone on purpose and do not want to argue with anyone. I only want to get my point across. No one has to agree with me or support anything I say. Like I always if you feel the need to say negative **** don't even bother saying it at all. No one here has to read my threads at all. If you really have a problem with what I say, do, or will do go elsewhere. So please do not send me hate mail or hateful comments. Read on your own free will.

Man and I thought I had no life.

I wonder if this is what inspired Metallica (suprisenly I'm not a big fan of Metallica) to write the song Master of Puppets. Yea I need to work on my wise cracking dialouge.
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so your stance is that the outlawing of santa saying "ho ho ho" in australia is a really dumbass idea and that some people are too easily offended?

If so, then I wholeheartedly agree.

That IS a crazy broad on that youtube video! I wouldnt be surprised if someone kills that lady. She acts like she doesnt care that the US now hates her. What a strange video!!!!
so your stance is that the outlawing of santa saying "ho ho ho" in australia is a really dumbass idea and that some people are too easily offended?

If so, then I wholeheartedly agree.

Well that's all you really need to say about bull**** like that amigo. Also they're trying to get stop Santa from getting his milk and cookies as well. Aparently the obesity epidemic is so bad that future generations childhoods have to be taken away.

Wow I'm going to have to see that thing End of America. I really want to know what the hell that woman is thinking.
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What she's saying there and what I've read about her doesn't sound extreme to me. What are you getting at?

She's a well spoken extremist with few facts to justify her talking points. It takes a lot of nerve for her to compare Bush to Hitler when her candidate has the youth activated and idolizing with this type of anger:

"Alpha - Omega" has no place in politics. It's scary to think that the youth of America has been manipulated into placing the future of this great country into, again, a well spoken extremist. Please take some time to look through the crap....
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I think that maybe I should for the time being leave this thread be and see how it goes. *walks away to the side* I'll just keep an eye on you guys in the mean time.
She's a well spoken extremist with few facts to justify her talking points. It takes a lot of nerve for her to compare Bush to Hitler when her candidate has the youth activated and idolizing with this type of anger:

"Alpha - Omega" has no place in politics. It's scary to think that the youth of America has been manipulated into placing the future of this great country into, again, a well spoken extremist. Please take some time to look through the crap....

Her political stuff does seem a little too "conspiracy theorist" for me, which is why I'm not one of her followers.

I haven't read her books on feminism, but her views in that department don't seem too extremist.

By the way, I just watched the video. I didn't see anything resembling anger there. Maybe it was not the video you intended to link to...
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Alpha-Omega hmm? It's all Greek to me. I know this is slightly changing the main topic, but I gurantee if we as a people lived in Athens during the time of Socrates we would be persecuted. Can you imagine if that women spoke to the people of ancient Athens?
The crazy bitch on FOX news? She's a fascist wing-nut bible bashing turd sandwich that needs to be removed from the gene pool immediately before she is allowed to breed.

Hopefully she doesn't have any children yet ...

Naomi Wolf? Her days are already numbered today, let alone in ancient Greece. The problem with Naomi is she does what anybody can do who has a vague understanding of what debating is all about: she baffles the masses with BS. Her arguments are horribly flawed.

The fact is, Bush and Hitler have very little in common. Apparently Naomi seems to think they have a lot in common. Unfortunately, her head is so far up her ass, it would take three men with crowbars to fully extract it.
Now look I don't like having to say One Nation Under God in the pledge of the Allegiance because I'm not christian because I honor the ways of Asatru. In other words I don't like feeling the need to have to believe in the same God as everyone else.

I also think that congress does conspire to put alot of innocent men and women of every, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, orientation etc in jail and discriminate against. Oh and if anyone supports gay marriage, women's rights, the first amendmant, and what not more then anyone it's me.

I may not be the most tolerant, but I try. However there is a fine line between politically correct, tolerant, or whatever the hell you want to call it, and just having no life to the point where that you have to rob children of having a childhood and just having no standards and decency.

Where did you get this information form? A story book? It seems pretty bizarre.

- Who says you have to "have to believe in the same God as everyone else."? Is that a requirement on your driving license or passport? Who told you this?

- You say "I also think that congress does conspire to put alot of innocent men and women of every, color, ethnicity, religion, gender, orientation etc in jail and discriminate against." Any source for this?
By the way, I just watched the video. I didn't see anything resembling anger there. Maybe it was not the video you intended to link to...

You're right, anger may not be the appropriate description... perhaps, "militant nature" would be better. I'm fairly certain that it is the video i intended.
People like Naomi Wolf are great; whether you agree with her or not, she’s exercising her right to free speech and challenging the actions and opinions of politicians and the general public.
Like it or not, the US constitution is just a piece of paper and meaningless unless people are prepared to fight for those rights protected by it on a daily basis. Wolf thinks that Bush is removing human rights so she’s speaking up; if only more German writers had done so in the 30’s.
You may well read what Wolf has written and think she’s a loony toon but at least she’s brought up some issues that could challenge your current perception which in turn will keep you alert to issues like civil liberties and hopefully prevent the erosion of the freedoms we currently enjoy

Here is a good article she’s written over here Step 6 is worrying

As for the Santa Claus thing, I read that a while ago and I hope it’s just a case of extreme media exaggeration as it sounds barmy. In any case, it’s just a case of a local council having nothing better to do, not exactly an infringement of human rights.

And the Obama Youth thing? Wasn’t that just one teacher who got his students doing that? It’s not like Obama has been encouraging this
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What did Santa say to the three hookers? :D

Whenever people are on interview shows, the interviewer seems to want to lecture them more than actually interviewing them on live tv.

Why don't you just obey lol
And the Obama Youth thing? Wasn’t that just one teacher who got his students doing that? It’s not like Obama has been encouraging this

Encouraged by Obama or not, the Nazi-like / Black Panther-esque idolization of anyone scares me.

I've been repeatedly harassed for my beliefs and political views, which are actually VERY middle ground and VERY substantiated. It's the general tone that has been set by the campaign and supporters. The mentallity "If you're not with us, you're against us" is dividing this nation during this election.
Why don't you obey?! The wrath of god shall strike down upon you. Sodomy is an abomination.

oy vey...