Plumpy seeking fellow Plumpy for Support!

So, how's everybody doing? I'm happy to say that I've had a pretty good three days. Anybody in need of some support/harassment?
Glad to hear you're doing well.

I had a bad day today. Serious work-related stress (got called in on my day off to receive "corrective action"), and stress over our daughter's condition put both my wife and me into a tailspin.
By the time my wife and daughter got home, I had a large slurpee in my hand and a frozen pizza in the oven. My wife wanted to go out to a local joint for fries (did I mention that we are both stress eaters? Bad when we are both stressed).

I did manage to eat only one slice of pizza, and in a supreme act of willpower I handed my half empty slurpee to my wife to pour down the drain. Even though I only drank half, it still breaks my 6 day cola-free stretch.

Dinner was leftover buffalo with eggs and waffles. More stress eating.

The worst part of it all is that when I am stressed out I don't exactly reach for the vegetables, so you won't see a single piece of fruit or veg on my daily log when I post it. Sigh.

On the up side, the stress also made me do 1 hour 20 minutes on the bike tonight - really burned off some tension.

Am feeling emotionally better now (except for dietary guilt), and am ready to start anew tomorrow.
Actually, it sounds like, due to your willpower and portion control, that the damage wasn't that bad at all. Add in your time on the bike, and I'd call your day a tentative success. Don't let the occasional moment of weakness get to you too much. You handled it fairly well, from what I read.

And what's done is done. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

I agree with the above it hard when its in front of you to make the informed decision NOT to eat it, so I say well done for overcoming a huge obstacle!

I've been doing okay... My kcals have been under everyday but still not eating the best food for me! though i have scrummy butter nut squash cannelloni to look forward to tonight! *yum*

I feel good today though went out all along the coastline for a long walk with my trainer today it was gloriously sunny (which in the UK says a lot!) and I was wide awake even though i finished work at 7am this morning. we then did a series of lunges and step ups and push ups on a bench which were really hard esp after my fitness training yesterday.

I'm a bit gutted that I've only lost 2.5 inches since my trainer was away (last time it was 12 inches!) but that's what happens if you don't go to the gym... I'm back on track though which is awesome and I'm looking forward to my session tomorrow even though I'm working nights again tonight!
Do you work a lot of night shifts? How does that affect your diet and activity levels?

I work one night shift in four, on average. I took last night off (stress leave), but am back in tonight.

The thing is, night shifts are when I do most of my junk food eating. I traditionally bought enough chips, chocolate and often something like fried chicken to keep me going through my set of nights. And don't forget the cola. Not sure what I am going to do on these nights, without the stimulus and comfort of the junk food.

What do you do for food and activity on your night shifts? And how does that affect what you do during the day on those shifts?
What sort of work is it? Do you keep busy, or is there a lot of downtime?

If you need the caffeine to stay awake, try tea (green tea with nothing in it, or black tea with a splash of skim milk). Ice water is good, too, since the cold helps to wake you up.

In terms of staving off boredom, play little games with yourself. On really slow nights when I worked as a dishwasher, I would turn on the sink, turn it off, and count the seconds between drips, looking for a pattern. I know... I'm such a nerd.
Falling off course...

In terms of staving off boredom, play little games with yourself. On really slow nights when I worked as a dishwasher, I would turn on the sink, turn it off, and count the seconds between drips, looking for a pattern. I know... I'm such a nerd.

HA! I love this! I used to work at Wendys through high school and college (but I was skinny then... Weird!) and when it got slow we would throw random things in the fryer to see how long it would take for them to fry (or melt). Another thing we would do (and please, don't try this at home!) is throw knives at the wall to see who could get them to stick! They had those magnetic strips on the walls where we hung up our knives and things, so in extremely boring situations we would line up on the other side and hurl knives to see who could stick them!

That's way off topic I know, but it is a fun memory for me of youthful stupidity! :toetap05:

Diet-wise I am struggling. Exercise-wise I am struggling. My hip hurts so I've been told to rest it, but that makes me feel like a slug, so I went into eating mode, which is BAD. :banghead:

I'm halfway back on the wagon today, and tomorrow I will be back fully. I just feel like my routine is all screwed up because of this stupid hip pain I have going on, and I'm nervous I won't have the willpower to restart my routine! UGH!!
Instead of letting your emotional state drag you back into old eating habits, accept that you can't exercise in the ways that you're used to, and focus on eating right. Give your hip time to heal. In the meantime, research some exercises you can do that don't use your hip in a painful way.

You can do it! Be strong! And... do you have a journal I can harass you in? :p
shift work

Hey SankanaUshi and Cord in response to your posts..

I work for the Police (in the control room) and do a shift pattern over 10 days 2 earlies ie 7am - 4pm followed by two lates 3-midnight and 2 nights 10pm till 7am through the night followed by 3.5 days off - this means my body is always trying to adjust as it never settles into a routine and sleep is hard to get and you body is also tired - it also increases my risk for breast cancer!

it makes food really hard too and I have to be very organised with what I can take to work see we only have a microwave and a toaster there and there is no 24hr canteen - earlies I'll usually have porridge when I get to work followed by fruit and soup for lunch - late turn is either soup or home cooked stuff - night is either nothing (as were not designed to eat at night) or salad or rice cakes and fruit and nuts... I never eat stodgy food at nights as its terrible for you!

I also don't drink tea coffee or cola! Activity at work is hard as we have a very high stress job coordinating most police activity (chases/incidents/firearms jobs etc.) in the control room plus emergency calls we often have a lot of adrenaline in our bodies which has to be burned off within 48 hours otherwise it turns to bad stuff which helps make you fat! so we go from one extreme to the other very quickly (everything happening to nothing) - during downtime as we're physically attached to the radio by our headsets we cannot get up and walk around at all so we are tied to our desks, I will usually sit and read.

I will do exercise before or after any of my shifts I just squeeze it in when I can even though I might be knackered! I have found the more active I've been aside from work the more awake I am at work which really helps!

so yeah my job doesn't lend itself to weight loss at all which is why at least 50% of the people in the control room are very much overweight!
Good day today... woke up after nights like a zombie but dragged my butt to the gym, my knee is killing me (I have a re-occurring injury from when I shattered my kneecap years ago) I struggled through with the help of my personal trainer, though my knee gave in towards the end and I had to do upper body stuff... still over 600kcals burnt can't be bad...

I just hope my knee support arrives soon.......

how are all of you doing?
I'm going strong. I had a good day yesterday, and I'm gonna have another today. :)

It sucks that you have a rotating shift pattern like that. Is there a good reason for it? It seems like it would be better to stretch it out more: a week or two on early, a week or two on late, and a week or two on midnights, and each week has a two day weekend to adjust to the coming schedule. That's how the navy does it here, I think.
I work rotating shifts too (air traffic specialist), and if your staff is limited you have to do short rotations like that, usually.

I work 6-day cycles, with shifts in sets of 3 (3 days, 3 afternoons, days off, 3 midnights, 3 days, days off, then it flips around). My body doesn't get a chance to really adjust to any given shift. Sometimes (like when doing the midnights) I get messed up pretty bad, but overall you learn to adjust. Been working rotating shifts for 12 years now. You cope.

Most research of shiftwork suggests that if you can't get a rotation where you are doing at least two or three weeks of each kind of shift, you should do no more then 2 days. Those long blocks are only possible (assuming shifts have to be divided equally among all staff) if you have a lot of bodies.
Did we already lose PlumpHope? I haven't seen a journal or any posts on here in almost a week....

I don't know if I have any way to contact her...

But if she's gone, we can't let that get us down. Keep going!
I sent her a message last week, and on the 11th she said she was busy helping her parents move, and would be back on the board when she got the chance.

That was 5 days ago, mind...

Edit: Her profile says she was on the board (but didn't post anything) yesterday. So she's still around.
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I emailed her today chasing her up......