please help


New member
Hello, my name is Yvonne. I had a gastric balloon fitted on 3rd december 2010.
Since then I have been unable to keep anything down and have been vomiting everyday.
I feel weak and tired. I have been in hospital due to dehydration and the medical team I am under are not helpful.
Just need some help please... will this pass? Don't think I can take much more

Your medical team is of no help? I guess that confuses me cause they are going to be able to help you much more than we can on this board. They have your medical history as well as monitoring you.
hi Yvonne my mum has just gotten the balloon on the 9th Dec and she is the same the advise and information she got is shockingly next to nothing.

was wondering have you gotten yours on the NHS or done privately ?
If you had the balloon for over three weeks, and the vomiting has not stopped yet, I would advise to ask to have it removed immediately. It takes a while for the body to get used to having a foreign object in it, but it should not be three weeks or longer.

If the medical team is no help, go and see somebody else. Go to the emergency room if you have to. Being dehydrated and weakened to the point that you probably are by now can be very dangerous. I've been there, and my advise is get medical help. If the people who put that balloon in aren't helpful, threaten them with legal measures - they can't just leave you like that.

As said, the most important thing right now is for you to find medical help, and possibly get that balloon removed, since it clearly doesn't work for you. Don't leave it any longer thinking that it will get better - it won't, otherwise it would have already gotten better about 2 weeks ago.
Thank you for your replies. To answer your question, I had the balloon fitted under the NHS.
I went back to the emergency room last week where they put me on a drip for two days, gave me anti-sickness pills( which do not work) and then sent me home with the advise that I have to persevere.
I am beginning to wonder if all this is worth it? I don't like been so fat, but I also don't like what I am going through.

Perseverance is one thing, but this is putting your health at risk. As soon as the balloon is removed, and it will have to be removed eventually, you will be at risk of putting the weight back on, especially if you lost all the weight by vomiting and not eating in the first place. What is happening now is nothing other than doctor-made bulimia - everything you eat comes straight back up. It's harming your health, and it won't help you in the long run.

I can't tell you what to do, obviously, but I know if I was in that situation, I would go back and demand the removal of the balloon. No asking, no nothing, just tell them to take it out, and take it out now, otherwise anything that happens from now on is down to their negligence, and you will hold them responsible for that. You'd be surprised how well that works.

I know being overweight is not fun, believe me. I've been there, and now I'm back there, and it stinks, but it is not worth risking your health even more.
Thank you for your replies. To answer your question, I had the balloon fitted under the NHS.
I went back to the emergency room last week where they put me on a drip for two days, gave me anti-sickness pills( which do not work) and then sent me home with the advise that I have to persevere.
I am beginning to wonder if all this is worth it? I don't like been so fat, but I also don't like what I am going through.


Please listen to San, I too had the same experience as you and i vvas told to persevere, VVell I did and it vvas absolutely crazy on my part as I jeopardize my health, my electrolytes dropped to critically lovv levels. I vvent to my emergency dept, after 8 days of being in hospital I am finally home. I feel very vveak and this has been a horrendous ordeal. I had the balloon removed. I am impressed vvith San's knovvledge and I totally agree vvith vvhat she is telling you. In my case the balloon vvas obstructing my stomach, no medication vvould have vvorked and it vvasn't going to get better. Further perseverance may have cost me my health, kidney damage, heart damage, etc.
Please make sure you are getting close follovv up care, yes the vveight loss is nice but it does come back vvhen it is from fluid loss. No amount of vveight loss is vvorth your health.
take care, take this seriously