I got it this time, as for your questions I'll hit them one by one.
1) with my current schedule i could possibly do the gym almost every day, though that might change up in a couple of weeks. I'll do whatever i have to to keep you posted though. the same goes for making time for a 60-90 minute workout.
2) I don't have a problem with any type of workout, the only problem is the obvious one (i'm out of shape) I've started doing a 30 minute walk at least every other day recently if that counts as cardio.
3)at the moment i don't have any food allergies that i know of, I'm allergic to pepto bismol (though that really doesn't count as food heh) and cats (depends on where you're from on that one, food wise).
4) As for food preferences, there's always the "junk food" stuff... but obviously those things can't exist in my life anymore.
I like cheeses of any kind pretty much, and milk is no problem for me (I drink fat free milk at the moment, i just like it better).
No problems with any meats except fish (something i'll have to learn to like i guess) I like chicken and beef and bought some chicken breast today... thinking that would be a good place to start.
I'm a fan of fruits, though at times i have a tough time digesting apples I still enjoy them. Oranges, pineapples, and tangerines are my favorite... grapes too, and most berries (i could live without blueberries. lol)
I'm really NOT a fan of veggies, I've been known to eat the rare carrot or spinach salad... but again i guess that's something i'll have to work on.
Carbs seem to be my best friend no matter what, so i really love breads and such. I usually eat wheat bread, Rye was available recently so i enjoyed that, but my favorite has to be the 7 grain bread with all the seeds and junk in it.
I've never actually taken a "protein powder", but when i tried that atkins diet before i drank their shakes and survived (actually they're pretty darn good) so powders shouldnt be bad.
I actually take vitamins every day (almost.. sometimes i forget) (Taking B-12, C, D,E,Zinc,Fish oil, and a centrum every night) along with the prilosec (when i'm getting that acid reflux pretty bad) so pills are not a problem.
5) My budget currently is a bit tight, recently had to fix my car and well.. it was expensive. Things should be a little better in a month, but right now it's a bit hard on the wallet.I'll have to handle things on a case by case basis
6)Believe it or not i'm not bad off as far as my joints go, though i worry how long that may be the case if i dont start doing something about it. I twisted my ankle a while back and now my left ankle gives me some problems every once in a while, but i can work through that if needed.
7)At the moment i'm a straight 9-5 guy, which means i'm up at 830 and done by 6 in reality. Luckily i dont have too many restrictions during that time so i can eat every 2 hours or so... even between if i really had to. every so often i have to do extra hours, but that isnt frequent.
allright that's pretty much it, if you need ANY more information please let me know. you're doing so much to help me it's the least i can do.