
May with your lack of compassion toward my ...... syndrome i believe for your punishment i will give u the squeeeeeeeze you are looking ;)

another one of my pet peeves.

People who think Britian is so Great when there isnt a dentist in 500 mile radius. :/. lol

500 miles from just about anywhere here would put you in France ;)

I'd love to be able to defend teh UK here but there are some shocking teeth in this country :rofl:
Men who greet women with a wimpy assed handshake................although I am a woman I appreciate a bit of a squeeze from a makes me think ALL of you is as limp as your handshake :cheeky:

by the way did my.......................annoy you :p

I agree! A limp, skin-softer-than-mine, pansy-assed handshake from a man is just GROSS.

I just wanna say Dude! Get a grip and don't be a sissy bag!! (just sayin) ;)
a couple of my pet peeves is when people wont answer their phone when you call, and ESPECIALLY when someone is texting while having a conversation with me. thats just rude.

texting in general is kind of annoying--at the movies especially. its like they cant put it down for 10 minutes -___-
... are called ellipses. :p

My pet peeves are:

people who throw their cigarette butts out of their car, especially when I'm behind them on my bike and they BURN ME
motorbikes who cut inside your corner when you're kneeing it
only one square left on the toilet paper roll after a massive ****
when you order something from a shop and they just never call you
Indecipherable custom numberplates
women who have kids and never NEVER talk about anything else EVER
Nothing pisses me off more than people smacking their food. It infuriates me sooo much. My dad is the worst about smacking. One time I called him on it(he was blatantly smacking) and he denied it. Haha, so I said to him, "Alright dad. Either I'm deaf or retarded, take your pick." Lol. Nothing gets me going like that.
damn, I thought you guys were just as up-tight as the Americans when it came to sex :p

What?! Americans being uptight about sex! Have you seen our music videos haha. We're still spitting out some babies over here, Kark. Hell, you could pick up women and play Nerf wars...except the Nerf missles are babies..