Low Calorie PB Option Here
There is a low calorie PB out there, called PB2. Just go to bellplantation.com and check it out. It has 54 calories for 2 tablespoons - the lowest calorie option out there that I can find.
In return for my suggestion, could you vote for my new product idea on the site?
I am trying to win a contest on bellplantation.com to get a new product idea in the marketplace - a low calorie nutella.
Currently, the company makes PB2, a low calorie peanut butter alternative. However, I would love it if they would also make a low calorie nutella product.
Check out bellplantation.com and VOTE for LAUREN K's idea.
All you have to do is go to bellplantation.com and scroll down and on the right will be a big VOTE NOW button.
Click it and vote for LAUREN - a chocolate peanut mix - like nutella. It is the 4th idea down from the top!
You then scroll all the way to the bottom and click vote. You can then see the results.
YOU CAN VOTE ONCE PER DAY per COMPUTER. So if you have more than one computer, you can vote more than once PER DAY!
Thanks. Any help would be great. I am in second place and would love to hit first so that maybe, soon, a low calorie nutella product can be on the market!
Check it out - you will love the PB2 product!