Passed my 8th kyu (orange belt) test.

My longtime friend Josh was in Kempo for 11 years. He could really apply it. I was always more into kickboxing. I don't like the idea of having to buy belts and whatnot.
congragulations!...(humble head bow)
good one man!!! anyone out there study wado-ryu karate or speak japanese??? i'm a shodan in iaido but thats quite easy to achieve, iaido is and easy but complicated art (yes sounds contradictory) but when your doing kyu grades you can go from nothing to a shodan, or nothing to a hachi dan or nothing to an 2nd kyu... i guess you get the idea, but once you hit hachi dan they make it totally 100% complicated :mad:!!!
Loren-Paul said:
good one man!!! anyone out there study wado-ryu karate or speak japanese??? i'm a shodan in iaido but thats quite easy to achieve, iaido is and easy but complicated art (yes sounds contradictory) but when your doing kyu grades you can go from nothing to a shodan, or nothing to a hachi dan or nothing to an 2nd kyu... i guess you get the idea, but once you hit hachi dan they make it totally 100% complicated :mad:!!!
Sukoshi Nihongo o hanasemasu ga, amarii wakarimasen.

Watashi wa nihongo o benkyo ****e imasu.

Ja mata,
Vaan Shintaku
weird... The forum censor put stars inplace of my japanese! HAHAHA... Anyway, the *'s part is pronounced: "sheet" even though it is spelled: "sh*t" in romaji...

lol, anata wa eigo-jin desu ka? watashi wa eigo-jijn desu, ...hmmm anata wa nihon-jin desu? watashi wa nihongo sukoshi desu :( (correct me if i'm wrong)
Well DONE :D

Thats wikid!.. i did karate (samuri) for 10 years, (started when i was like 6 ha!) i got my Black Belt First Dan.. Keep going, it only gets better. The only reason i quit is because the sensai was a real jerk hah

good Luck!!