Hello, happy Monday.
Had a good weekend. Got the brakes done on the car, but it didn't solve the pulsation issue it was having, which I attributed to warped rotors. Apparently something else going on. Will have to get it serviced soon and find out. Also got her bike inspected and on Sunday, we rode around Massachusetts on country roads. Did about 110 miles. Stopped at the Bridge of flowers and Yankee candle. Got home before the rain fell, so it was all good.
Today I hit the gym for the first time since last Tuesday. Had to do a hybrid workout, since I won't be able to go tomorrow.
Bench 3x5x110, 2x5x120# Started at 110 since I had many days off due to sickness, so I didn't want to overdo. Pretty happy with it to be honest. Next workout will do all 5 sets with the 120#
Cable Lat pull downs 5x5x160# (+10)
Leg presses 5x5x350# (+10)
Leg curls 3x8x160#
Leg extensions 3x8x140#
BB overhead presses 3x8x60#
Weight at gym in shorts, t-shirt and running shoes was 270.8# so down around 3.5-4.0lbs from last Monday. I'll see how that translates into my official fully clothed weight later in the week with full clothing and steel toed shoes, but it is a definite loss.
I'm still in that weird and wonderful place where I started off so out of shape, that I'm gaining muscle whilst simultaneously losing weight in a calorie deficit. There will come a time in the not too distant future where the plateau will hit on both. I'll ride the wave until then.
Operational theory for current plan;
Fact, while in a reasonable calorie deficit, you will lose weight. Sometimes at the expense of lean mass (muscle).
Taking that into consideration, my focus is on taking in a protein surplus in my diet, while still eating at that deficit.
By focusing primarily on exercises that offer resistance and keeping that resistance as high as I can reasonably do (without damage), I should be able to gain, or at the very least preserve, lean mass.
A lb of fat at rest does not metabolize calories, whereas, a lb of muscle does.
Somehow in all this, the theory is that if I maintain of even increase lean mass, while in a calorie deficit, what I lose in weight, ultimately, should be primarily fat, although there will likely be some fluids, nutrients etc.