Out of Context...

nice butt!

said to proteinboy
Hey Chillen This Like 2 Old Guys (u R 46 Im 37 )farting Around
What We Should Be Doin Is Sat On The End Of A Pier In A Hot Country Smoking A Cigar Taking Viagra And Wondering Why Between Us We Can Get 1 Erection(lol


Do I need to say anything.........LOL
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Unless I missed them, I didnt see any on tony, so..........

Oops.........I just realized what that could mean. ROTFL!!!
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tuff room! hahahahaah

yes hackin on ya PB!

it's a young guns quote

but you seem to be holding your own

and now that you all are SIZING each other up!!!

i gotta fly
Real eyes realize real lies.
Real eyes realize the real prize. (see prize below for the prize)

keep your real eyes looking
for the next observation post,
and you will be diagnosed as being toast
because I will bring you the crown roast with the next post.


silent, does "wacking it" = highly elevated blood pressure too?

whoa, PB why do you ask silent such things?