.............................The post also dissed my little and mighty peanut
Best regards,
Buh!!!!!!!! :bncry:
The little buddy must be shrinking as I get older!
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.............................The post also dissed my little and mighty peanut
Best regards,
Anyway, the pole is all set up and I spent a good couple of hours on it yesterday and I am soooo sore today. I didn't even notice how hard I was working on it because I was just having fun, but this morning I feel it. Best kind of workout IMO
depends what you mean by grunting? I think it's OK to pump each other up before lifting. Some people need it to get to their optimal level of arousal.
this was too easy...you sick bastard
im having some trouble getting it up.
I've seen your girlfriend, I'd have trouble too
I still got the job done though :love2:
Haha I feel you there! :jumping:
I mostly grill or smoke my meat.
i like my chicken choked
BUT- we have all week to figure it out.
And discuss the amount we want to set.
it is cumaliative
you can do a couple minutes at a time.
I have 14 minutes down so far. My longest one so far is only 3 minutes. The challenge is not holding the longest, it is getting 60 total minutes. Take all day punkin!
Ok, I am done!
.................I want to soak in the tub, and, I am done.
Thank you all for playing and Helping me to get MORE out of me
The problem was a male had not come along and hosed it off for you.
I didn't think Masturbation was so complicated. You name your personal Chicken: Punkin'?
I get up early and get ready to ride.
I strip my bike of all unnecessary stuff.
I ride to the meeting place, but I realize my pump was shot
We take off and go really slow, and then slowly pick it up
There would be occasional surges
We finally settle into a pace feeling great
We go at this pace when pffffffffffffffft - my tube flats again!
Jan stops to assist and to offer his pump, again, and we ride together
I had so much fun today, I am gonna make this a weekly ride.
You see it all started on a rainy day in Oklahoma.. Initially I learned from reading tons about it on the web, and then I actually got lucky enough to be trained.......
"In the beginning it was just sex, sex, sex."
I'm out.
Took care of it![]()
Exactly karky, exactly.
Beefy. Me likey.
Tingling you say?
You probably just hit the cervix you tool.........
Probably your blood pressure plummeting to normal/subnormal levels, remember to breath! The red you see is probably the capillaries in your eye lid flowing with oxygen..
Stopping because of lactic acid = a sore vagina.
Suck it up.
WOW! That got fixed quick.
Ok, Great progress!
I thought it was great.. very entertaining.
You're my hero.