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Rob suggested I start a thread that reflects on changes that have come about from losing weight . The most obvious is a drop on the scales but there are many others . I have lots but for today as I mentioned in Robs diary I used to hobble out of bed in the morning . Every step hurt . My ankles were swollen and painful. I thought tbh it was arthitis but it turned out it was the load I carried about . This morning I got out of bed , briskly went down let the dog out , did a few chores and flew back up to get ready for the day and I never even thought about ankle pain .
So if you are struggling with weight loss just don’t think about the scales , think about other little non scale benefits .
For me has been the journey to self acceptance. For as long as I can remember I have always had weight issues - which mainly stemmed from people making fun of my weight. I then managed to lose the weight at the age of 12 taking on Jane Fonda workouts. I lost so much weight and become super skinny. I always looked sickly. I loved my new look but then, people didn't stop making fun of me. Actually, let me be honest it was mostly my mum making fun of my weight. If she found me admiring myself in the mirror she would always make a snide comments about how I looked. In my early 20s, I decided to add back the weight because I hated the fact that I looked like a 15 year old. It was hard but I managed. Now in my 30s, the weight keeps increasing. I want to lose it again but it has become so challenging with a busy lifestyle. Staying motivated as well is soo difficult as well. I am learning to find the balance in food and exercise, embracing my body type. Slowly but surely, I will accomplish my goals and while I do it, I will learn to accept and love myself.
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